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Re: Back from the 09 Rat Rodeo - Part II (Pics)

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2009 12:23 pm
by Bayou City Boy
Rick in Oregon wrote:
Bayou City Boy wrote:

Your statement about the Cooper was a non-factual opinion, in part.... But you tried to state it as a total fact for the uneducated to swallow. (Is that because you believe yourself as being a total authority here on anything you type, whether you're stating a fact or an opinion?)

" it is one of my dedicated bench guns, is heavier, has a single shot receiver and much heavier contour barrel."

Swallow? Are you kidding? "Total Authority"? Give me a break, this post was about a recent outing with friends; I had no idea that any/all mentions may be subject to or further scrutiny. BUT my Cooper IS heavier by .33 lb. Scopes and mount weight enter into this equation. I was unaware that anyone was taking notes on rifle weights to make life-altering decisions, as I was just making a casual comment. Sheeezz.

I doubt if any are life threatening decisions, but don't make incorrect statements which might lead some in the wrong direction.

"Blind leading the blind"? Everyone here is blind except you....correct? Again, lighten up. Every time you post here I see a trend....... This forum is about fun, maybe there's someplace else for you.

Now don't get over-emotional, Ricky.... it's not all just about you personally...

Arizona Hunter: On a much different note, thanks for the comments, and I'm glad that you were able to get out with your grandson for some fun with the dogs. On those hot days, it sure is a chore to keep those barrels cool. Keep him interested, as they're the future of our sport. I'll be glad when I can get mine out there soon....still a bit too wild, but his day will come too.

Re: Back from the 09 Rat Rodeo - Part II (Pics)

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2009 2:20 pm
by Rick in Oregon
"Now don't get over-emotional, Ricky.... it's not all just about you personally..."

Well, Jeez, I sort of DID take it personally....after all, this IS my thread about a great varmint shooting trip taken recently. I was not aware of such technical scrutiny given to such casual comments (Cooper heavier than my Kimber....which is is). Okay, I'll try to admonish myself........I promise not to spread any more "false, misleading, incorrect, innaccurate or wrongful" data regarding the weight of any rifle I, or anyone else owns. I certainly would not want to lead anyone "in the wrong direction" where .3 lbs of rifle weight is concerned. The consequences of such inaccurate data could be truly devestating. I for one, do not want to be labeled as a purveyor of false rifle weights.

I'm hoping we're done here. It was a good trip (remember, this thread actually WAS about a ground squirrel shoot in N. California). Next time I made a promise to myself that I'd take fewer rifles, and shoot all the ones I did take. We'll see how that works out by next spring...... :lol:

Re: Back from the 09 Rat Rodeo - Part II (Pics)

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2009 2:46 pm
by Bayou City Boy
Rick in Oregon wrote:"Now don't get over-emotional, Ricky.... it's not all just about you personally..."

Well, Jeez, I sort of DID take it personally....after all, this IS my thread about a great varmint shooting trip taken recently. I was not aware of such technical scrutiny given to such casual comments (Cooper heavier than my Kimber....which is is). Okay, I'll try to admonish myself........I promise not to spread any more "false, misleading, incorrect, innaccurate or wrongful" data regarding the weight of any rifle I, or anyone else owns. I certainly would not want to lead anyone "in the wrong direction" where .3 lbs of rifle weight is concerned. The consequences of such inaccurate data could be truly devestating. I for one, do not want to be labeled as a purveyor of false rifle weights.

Now you're just dancing....

How 'bout I hang the heaviest scope I can find plus a few wheel weights on one of my Kimber 84m's, weigh the two rifles as they are now scoped, and say that the Kimber 84M rifle itself (all we were originally talking about, and as you are well aware) is heavier than a Cooper VT. That would be a misleading statement about the rifles themselves (as was mentioned) for anyone reading it.

I'm hoping we're done here. It was a good trip (remember, this thread actually WAS about a ground squirrel shoot in N. California). Next time I made a promise to myself that I'd take fewer rifles, and shoot all the ones I did take. We'll see how that works out by next spring...... :lol:

Don't dance around what you said and I won't respond to your word wiggling...

Re: Back from the 09 Rat Rodeo - Part II (Pics)

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2009 3:10 pm
by Rick in Oregon
Ya know what? I don't even care which rifle is heavier all by itself. They are my rifles, and I have preferred uses for them. You can hang whatever you want from yours, say whatever you want about how much they wiegh.....I don't care, and can't imagine why you do so tenaciously. IF anyone was misled by my wanton mention of rifle weights, I truly apologize, and recommend they do not make any decisions or be misled by my casual comments.

Again, lighten up buddy. I'm done.

Sorry to those who came here just to check out some pics read about a great varmint shooting trip, that you had to endure the above few posts.

Re: Back from the 09 Rat Rodeo - Part II (Pics)

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2009 6:32 pm
by Melvin Eades

Thanks for sharing your hunt with us. It's always interesting to see pictures from the west side of this country. Keep'um coming, always a good story.


Re: Back from the 09 Rat Rodeo - Part II (Pics)

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2009 7:05 pm
by RUD
Hey Rick! I really enjoy your posts. You always have humor, good ideas and stories for all to enjoy! I have learned alot in the short time I have been on this site and appreciate all who post. Thanks!

Re: Back from the 09 Rat Rodeo - Part II (Pics)

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2009 9:49 pm
by Captqc
Bayou, everyone here knows I'm Rick's friend so I'll temper my comments a bit but I've got to say that as I read your posts I was wondering what in the world are you trying to prove? Your comments were not in line with the original post, you were bordering on irrational and they seem to be made only to provoke Rick. We have a great site here with lots of good information and yes opinions but we sure don't need this kind of crap. Please stop and think before you post something like this again. Gary

Re: Back from the 09 Rat Rodeo - Part II (Pics)

Posted: Wed Aug 05, 2009 9:32 am
by Rick in Oregon
Melvin & RUD...thanks for the positive comments guys; most appreciated. Our rats are down now, so not much happening in the heat of summer, so not much in the way of adventures to post....until big game/coyote season that is. Nice to know that someone, somewhere enjoys the posts for what they are....entertainment for like-minded guys. Now it's time to get into the gun room to see about processing all that empty brass...... :? Ah, but it's a labor of love.....right? ;)

Re: Back from the 09 Rat Rodeo - Part II (Pics)

Posted: Wed Aug 05, 2009 10:22 am
by Ray P
Rick........ I'm on your side!! Great post on the hunt. Pics are great!! Love your poolside view. BCB has issues and he picked on Acloco on post of his before..............he's got toooooooo much time on his hands.......enough said! :lol: Enjoy preping your brass...........
Ah, but it's a labor of love.....right? .................Yep.
Later friend
Ray P

Re: Back from the 09 Rat Rodeo - Part II (Pics)

Posted: Wed Aug 05, 2009 11:32 am
by Keith in Ga
Just got in on the tail end of this conversation.......probably a good thing. Keep those pics and write-ups coming. I appreciate your expertise and opinions on guns, loads, and varmint hunting. Not once have you failed to give me an answer to any questions I've asked you.
Your "mentoring" has cost me some money, but you gave me an honest answer to my questions, and probably saved me money in the long run! I feel like I have a real friend with mutual interests.......even if we are on opposite sides of the country.

Re: Back from the 09 Rat Rodeo - Part II (Pics)

Posted: Wed Aug 05, 2009 1:37 pm
by Schrutester
Always enjoy the posts of your "Adventures with Skippy" Rick. Good quality pics and entertaining narrative. I dare say that most frequenters of this forum look forward to them. :D

Re: Back from the 09 Rat Rodeo - Part II (Pics)

Posted: Thu Aug 06, 2009 1:53 pm
by skb2706
Too bad your targets of choice 'go down for the hot weather til next year'. Our BT prairie dogs come out anytime of year as long as the sun shines on. We can shoot in Dec, Jan and just about any other time. They will even break snow to sit in the sun. Looking forward to more stories...........

Re: Back from the 09 Rat Rodeo - Part II (Pics)

Posted: Thu Aug 06, 2009 4:22 pm
by Rick in Oregon
skb: Yep, it's a short season compared to most species of prairie dogs. Our rats will also burrow up through the snow around late Jan or early Feb if it's a sunny day. Their presence on the snow sure does invite making "red snow fans". Very graphic results against the snow, as I'm sure you've experienced there too. We'll keep the stories coming, you too, okay? :D

In this post above there was an unplesant exchange between myself and BCB. Just to set the record straight, and lest anyone here believe there is any bad blood between us, let me just assure you that he and I have worked out our differences privately, and all is well between us. I hope to see him post here again and contribute his experience to all. 'Nuff said.