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Re: Soliciting opinions....

Posted: Mon May 04, 2009 6:36 pm
by BabaOriley
Isn't Glen a moderator in here?

Re: Soliciting opinions....

Posted: Mon May 04, 2009 7:02 pm
by Glen
Sorry Baba. I overstepped my boundary here. Somehow I managed to allow myself to get caught up in all this. I do apologize & from now on I will be more careful.

Back on topic.

Have you made a decision yet Jim!! Inquiring minds want/need to know!! :lol:

Re: Soliciting opinions....

Posted: Tue May 05, 2009 1:20 pm
by Jim White

I haven’t but because I’m running out of SAFE space I’ll probably re-stock and re-barrel my 40-X (either that or start unloading some SECNAV Trophy rifles). When I want to switch back I’ll just swap barrels and stocks.

The possible downside is I’ve always heard that trying to get a spare Remington bolt is about like trying to find an 8lb keg of Varget gunpowder right now. If that’s the case (and, if that’s the route I take) I’m going to be confined to a cartridge with a 308 case head.

I’m actually partial to the 6 or 6.5mm caliber bullets, because it seems they have very good ballistics and for distances way out there, they have horsepower behind them the 22 calibers don’t have. I’m going to have to do some homework on the 257 Roberts/AI. I had thought about the 243 WSSM but I’m hearing those are very good barrel burners.

I’m not against 22 cals either. With a 6.5 twist and 90 grain bullets they too can reach out there. As far as a 200 Swift, I always thought they had the same case head as a 308 but apparently there’s just a smidgen of difference.

Decisions, decisions, decisions…

Re: Soliciting opinions....

Posted: Tue May 05, 2009 5:05 pm
by Glen
:lol: Glad I'm not you!! :lol: You'll get it figured out. From what little research I've done over the last couple years I think you're looking in the right direction with those choices. I actually had the idea of going with a 6BR too but decided I don't have the areas around here to stretch her out & let her run. The 204 will reach everything I hunt with the exception of one field where I can safely shoot out to 600yds. Good Luck!! :wink:

Re: Soliciting opinions....

Posted: Sat Aug 08, 2009 2:15 pm
by Jim White

I fell into a 6mm Remington Model 700 BDL Varmint Special. I believe I'm going to like it.


Re: Soliciting opinions....

Posted: Sun Aug 09, 2009 4:50 am
by Glen
Cool!! :mrgreen:

Re: Soliciting opinions....

Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2009 9:24 am
by Rick in Oregon
Jim: Back on son just completed a sweet Holland-built 260 Ackley on a buleprinted M700 SA. He's a 600 to 1K yard shooter, built this rifle just for such activities with the occasional mulie or pronghorn thrown in for good measure. He was all twisted up on 6.5's too, finally decided on this chambering, says he'll never look back and would do it all again. The availability of Lapua brass was just icing on the proverbial cake.

Oh by the way, the rifle shoots sub .5 MOA consistently and rings his steel 800 yard gong witihout any effort whatever. Don't know how much more horsepower you need, but this is an easy to do chambering, highly accurate and efficient.

Just one more option to consider.

Re: Soliciting opinions....

Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2009 7:17 pm
by Jim White

I haven't done too much with the 6mm other than test powders for velocity and different primers with the same load. I'm getting ready to order 500 cases myself and start playing with the various bullets. Since this is mainly a varmint rig I'll probably stick with bullets from 70 to the Hornady 105 AMAX.

Since it seems that the data from the powder/bullet manufactures fluctuate greatly, I decided to take all the various powders I had, load them (5-rounds ea) up to the max recommended charge (per load manuals) take them out and see how they run. I used RP cases, Remington 9 ½ MAG primers and Hornady 75 VMAX bullets seated to a STD OAL (I believe it 2.825 IIRC), the temp was 70 deg, the Chrony to Muzzle distance was 13’ and the elevation was 440’. I was quite surprised at the results;

Powder, Avg, Dev, Spread,
H4895, 3223, 28, 73,
IMR 4064, 3455, 12, 66,
N135, 3297, 14, 33, Used 243 Win Max load
Varget, 3331, 44, 104,
RE-15, 3748, 39, 112,
N540, 3360, 34, 86, Used 243 Win Max load
H4350, 3568, 17, 39,
H8431SC, 3322, 15, 40,

The velocity from Reloader 15, IMR-4064 and H4350 exceeded the manuals. H4831 was really slow and to a lesser extent so was Varget and H4895. Since 6mm Remington data was not available to me I substituted the 243 WIN max load instead, so those #’s are probably slower than normal, all things being equal. No pressure signs either

Of course, the accuracy testing will determine which one I pick but all in all, a good day out, besides I got to enjoy it with my son who turned 16 today. As far as the 260 Remington/AI once I expend the tremendous amounts of 308 ammo that I have that will in all likelihood be the round I look at next, for killing critters, time and target shooting.

Speaking of my son, we had a little competition going between us. We took one of those 5” shoot-n-sees and posted on the back of a target out at 200 yds. Using my double lugged, Clint Fowler M1A (and ball ammo) we would each shoot 8 shots (the ammo came in Garand clips). Once I gave him some pointers (from my high-power days) he was pretty good. I told him I used to do this to practice for those 1000 yd matches because that is exactly what a 1000 yd target looks like against that particular M1A’s front sight (the sight to blade width ratio).

We had hoot…

Re: Soliciting opinions....

Posted: Fri Sep 11, 2009 5:26 pm
by trevort
I know you've already bought but when good quality brass is mentioned and 6mm in the same sentence someone just has to mention 6x47 Lapua. Just had one built on a Savage target action for the wife (its so much better the second time round) to compete at 500m fly competitions. She's a brand new shooter and doina a ladder test at 330 yards she was able to put three shots almost touching. If you may rebarrel in the future you need to do some research on this one.

Now gotta get that scope on the other savage to get reacquanited with the 243!!! ;)

Re: Soliciting opinions....

Posted: Fri Sep 11, 2009 8:38 pm
by Jim White
Thank you, I appreciate the info. I've heard of that cartridge but only after I bought the 6mm Remington. All-in-all, I believe I'll be happy with the 6mm, so far it seems to do pretty well but I'm just getting started.

Thanks again,