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Posted: Sat Dec 23, 2006 12:09 pm
by Rattler
There's a guy in Texas killing deer with a .204...OF COURSE it's good enough for a lion. 2 days ago I blew the living heck out of a 40 lb coyote at 170 yards with my 204. In the right hands it's deadly. What's a 223 good enough to stop a lion? Heck yeah! Look at foot pounds of energy of both rounds. Dead Cat! Next subject.

Posted: Sat Dec 23, 2006 12:26 pm
by glenn asher
It isn't about foot pounds, rattler, it's about bullet construction (or lack thereof, in .20 bullets). Penetration HAS been lacking in the early .204 bullets, and probably will continue to be lacking, lest the PD shooters complain about lack of performance on PDs and such. Anyway, a 40 pound coyote isn't much compared to a 150lb. lion, either. The fact that someone in Texas is using the .204 for deer is beside the point, it's not the best choice for such game (not even a GOOD choice, IMHO). I know a guy who, for years and years, has used nothing but a .17 Remington on deer, that doesn't make it right, or smart. How many deer have run off, wounded, in that time, to die a slow death? Just cuz you CAN do it, doesn't mean you SHOULD do it.

Posted: Sat Dec 23, 2006 12:39 pm
by Rattler
Now, I am not saying go out lion hunting with 204's...but if they start hunting you, and you have 204 in your hands...well the debate is over and it's showtime. 3/4 quarters of the folks on this site live where there are ZERO lions. Many of the other 1/4 of them may NEVER see a lion in the wild. Folks in Idaho, Colorado, Montana, Wyoming, Washington, Oregon, Nevada, New Mexico and Arizona probably stand the best chance of an encounter. I left out California because the bulk of those folks have decided to be lion food. Ethics DO NOT measure into it IF YOUR LIFE IS IN DANGER. If you are calling coyotes..or bobcats...or foxes and a lion shows up, chances are he is already TOO CLOSE. Instead of thinking soley of ethics...think about YOUR FUTURE. If you have lived in any of the afforementioned the wild parts must have an immediate plan of action. SCARE IT AWAY FAST OR KILL IT. Is that simple enough for you? I would hate for some newbe to read some of this Disney dribble and get waxed because he was trying to decide what to do. Bad Dad did it right, but every case is different. If you are not THERE, then you cannot make a judgement. If you live where there are Mule Deer...there's a good chance you live with lions. West Texas are you listening? IN CLOSING, I think the COYOTE is a beautiful creature...but there are too darn many of them this year and they are killing alot of deer and turkey where I live I'll get on with it.

Posted: Sat Dec 23, 2006 12:47 pm
by Rattler
Sorry UTAH I forgot you guys. Regrets.

Posted: Sat Dec 23, 2006 12:55 pm
by Rattler
P.S. Lions don't always hunt ALONE. Good Hunting.

Posted: Sat Dec 23, 2006 1:07 pm
by Rattler
If ANY of you guys are ever in Northern Nevada (Fallon) for a couple of days and want to coyote hunt (November - February) drop me a PM. After walking around this great state for a few minutes you quickly realize where I am coming from. In the bulk of the state there is no nearby farm house for decent life flight. It makes one feel very alive...and very small at the same time.

Posted: Sat Dec 23, 2006 5:08 pm
by Rugerdogdog
Amen to all! I would never select the .204 to go after a cat but if I was confronted I would not hesitate to unload. Of course I have 30rnds in the mag. I dont go hunting without the .357 or .44 or .45acp on my hip. My best hunting buddy drew his cat tag last year, treed a 130 pounder put 5 out of 6 rounds of .45 Colt in that pussy and had to finish it off with a big log! RATTLER is right about being WAY out west. In the far west side of UT if you got into trouble it may be a couple months before somebody happened by your location. I love it out here!!!

I had a pic of some cat tracks I crossed heading to a coyote stand last week but I think I erased them. Heres a pic of what I use to get in and out of that super desolate country instead. LOL

Posted: Sat Dec 23, 2006 5:43 pm
by Boomwhop
I can't believe you'd take a poke like that
at us here in Cal. How could you be so cruel
to us and our little kitty friends?..... :roll:

Just kidding....There are still a few of us redneck
conservatives here, but we're losing ground fast!!
If you want to see a lion,this is the place to look
for them. My good friend and neighbor has a goat ranch
here on the coast. He's not raising goats .....He's feeding
lions,at least thats what I tell him :D Last year he was
missing at least two goats a night and was able to procure
a depradation premit.6 lions in 4 weeks on 600 ac, thats
way too many lions!!! But we all know they are endangered here!! :shock:

Posted: Mon Dec 25, 2006 1:10 pm
by Rattler
Sorry about that out in CA...I know there are allot of decent folks who are caught in the tidal wave of liberalism and all it brings. But, since it's against the law out there...well, you guys have to do what you have to do...something, shovel and forget...I think it goes? Merry Christmas

Posted: Wed Jan 10, 2007 3:47 am
by Varmonter
I guess like all said i wouldn't want to actually go puma hunting with a 204.
but when it comes down to me or the cat ..the cat gets the 35 berger(s).
I would think if it kept up the stalk after yelling at it bad dad would have done the same. California is where all those joggers and bicyclists got eaten
wasn't it? POOOR starvin Kitties..LOL :lol:

Posted: Fri Jan 12, 2007 10:16 am
by Ausiboy
Hi, Im new here. Would anyone have a photo of one of these cats?

I live in Australia, and we have nothing over here like what Im reading about. :(

Posted: Fri Jan 12, 2007 10:52 am
by Rugerdogdog
Check this out
They are a very beautiful animal. And strangely feared/hated around my area. You must draw a permit to hunt them around here but the are very hard on the deer population so I do know some folks that shoot them on site. Ive heard it said that a full grown cougar will kill 1 mule deer per week for food.
P.S. Welcome to THE Forum! Have fun with it!

Posted: Fri Jan 12, 2007 1:23 pm
by Ausiboy
Rugerdogdog, thanks for the welcome and the link.
Those are some big animals, and maybe it is a good thing we dont have them.


Posted: Fri Jan 12, 2007 1:48 pm
by acloco
In the link, they are off by a couple feet on total length.

I have seen SEVERAL mountain lions that were at least 12 feet and one was 13+...nose to tip of tail.

Back home, a local guy used to run the cougars with dogs. He guided some hunts as well. He had a regular cab pickup with a topper on the back. Last time I saw him, there were four cougars on tope. The heads were just barely peaking over the top of the windshield....and 3 of the 4 tails were hanging over the back of the topper.

Pickup has an 8' 3' of cab...and a little more??!!

Posted: Fri Jan 12, 2007 2:52 pm
by KamiahKid
I guess it kinda depends on how your hunting them. If your shooting them out of a tree over hounds, a .204 would be very adequate. If you talk to the really serious houndsmen here in Idaho, most use a .22 long rifle or a .22 magnum. The main thing is that you shoot them in the lungs and defintely do not want to knock them out of the tree into the dogs, as you want them DEAD before they hit the ground. I suppose if your stalking/tracking them (good luck) or calling them you would want to use a more traditional big game caliber.

I guess thats my 2 cents worth on this subject.
