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Re: 204 Fun in the Rat Patch

Posted: Thu May 15, 2014 2:20 pm
by Rick in Oregon
Tokimini wrote:Rick, you and boys should seriously consider doing some videos and posting them here or on Youtube.
Toki, we've talked about that, and the first step would be to procure a decent quality video camera, and so far, there's always been "sumthin' else" that got the dinero priority....know what I mean? I shot a couple of five minute video clips with my little pocket Nikon, but they lack any decent quality to post on Youtube.

But it's 'on the list' so to speak. Maybe by next season...... :chin:
Ray P wrote:RIO and the hot barrel group way to go!! Some day maybe with try to hook up for a venture with the group!!
Thanks Ray, it was indeed an epic event. And as to the last part of your comment.......stranger things have happened........ ;)
Bodei wrote:Wow, shade guys are spoiled rotten!
Maybe. :wink: Okay, yes we are. But hey, I know for a fact you've got trees in Calif, but like here, they're seldom where they'd do you any good in the rat patch. This is our one and only exception, and is dear to us as you'd imagine. Shade, water, rifles, Skippy and his pals, what more could a guy ask for? I just wish spring lasted alot longer.

How's your rat season been going on there? You too, Claimjumper, any more 'thousand round firefights' lately? :lol:

Re: 204 Fun in the Rat Patch

Posted: Fri May 16, 2014 9:15 am
by futuretrades
Bodei wrote:Wow, shade guys are spoiled rotten!
I kinda like being spoiled rotten :lol:

On the ranch we used to shoot, we had a spot that was in the shade all day long. It was under a stand of juniper trees, that the cows made for themselves. Most of the limbs were broken out by the cows. Them was some great days of shooting, but the ranch has since been sold to an insurance company, and anyone carrying a gun, is not welcome on the property. :mad:

Re: 204 Fun in the Rat Patch

Posted: Fri May 16, 2014 9:52 am
by Rick in Oregon
futuretrades wrote:Them was some great days of shooting, but the ranch has since been sold to an insurance company, and anyone carrying a gun, is not welcome on the property. :mad:
Gee Kevin......let me guess, "Hancock Insurance", right? I've heard of them buying up prime farms/ranches and then declaring it forbidden to all who hunt or carry a rifle. Let that be a lesson to any and all who purchase insurance and indeed do hunt and own guns.

Personally Kevin, I'd rather be in the shade of those trees right now, letting my barrel cool from a frisky bout of teaching Skippy to fly! :wink:


Ahh, life is good when your NOT a ground squirrel or prairie dog....or rockchuck. ;)

Re: 204 Fun in the Rat Patch

Posted: Fri May 16, 2014 10:07 pm
by ClaimJumper
:D :D Hey Rick

My season is on hold, the new home is needing fences and 30 yards of topsoil spread. $hit! not much to report from me but I did make it to K-falls today and looked over some new spots. My 2 day shoot of 1500+ rds is
more than enough to hold me for a long time. I do have your phone# and we need to hit the K-Falls area one more time? No shade there in K-Falls so you might get heat stroke? lol
Keep me posted...
This is what a rat field looks like!


Re: 204 Fun in the Rat Patch

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2014 10:48 am
by Silverfox
Rick--I just got around to reading this post about your big shoot. Thanks for the great write-up and super nice photos.

Re: 204 Fun in the Rat Patch

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2014 11:55 am
by Rick in Oregon
Don, you old claimjumper! Yep, that indeed is one heck of a rat patch pictured; squirrel mounds as far as the eye can see....perfect! No worries about shade either, in K-Falls or anywhere else.....I always take my own (forget heat stroke, gotta keep those barrels cool, right? :lol: ).


Silverfox: Thanks for the kind words. I just today saw your most recent PD foray, but haven't had a chance to read it, but I liked the opening statement about being left "home alone". It appears we both resort to the same pastime when left "unattended". :wink: