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Re: .20 Caliber Fun in the Rat Patch (Beaucoup Pics)

Posted: Mon Jun 10, 2013 6:31 pm
by Rick in Oregon
bazz wrote:rick one question tho are those shooting rest home made or store bought id love to get my hands on one of those cheers bazz
bazz: Those benches shown are the BR Pivot and BR Pivot Lite. Back in another time during a lucid moment, I had a brainstorm and designed and patented that bench, then after selling it for many years, sold the patent and manufacturing rights. The bench is now being offered by MidwayUSA under the Caldwell banner. The Lite model being all aircraft T6 alloy, is not longer available.

There's nothing like a rotating bench in a target-rich environment. :wink:

Re: .20 Caliber Fun in the Rat Patch (Beaucoup Pics)

Posted: Tue Jun 11, 2013 3:01 am
by bazz
thank you rick yer they look the duck guts and way better than lying down im must be getting old ,cheers bazz

Re: .20 Caliber Fun in the Rat Patch (Beaucoup Pics)

Posted: Tue Jun 11, 2013 12:53 pm
by GlennGTR1
Well it sure is good to see my old home of Eastern Oregon in pics and stories. Years since I lived in Madras. I had to go four years without wetting a line on the Deschutes river and last summer when I finally get there with my twelve year old boy my wife calls to tell me she moved out and that were getting divorced, it was finallized in December. Now I am on the hunt for the perfect walking rifle in 204 so I can get back down there and do some walking and shooting of any varmints no matter how early in the morning and casting a fly line for a few hours in the evening would be a blessing. I will probably camp at Billy Chinook or out by Sisters. Cant wait to smell the sage........

Re: .20 Caliber Fun in the Rat Patch (Beaucoup Pics)

Posted: Tue Jun 11, 2013 6:39 pm
by Clint E
Rick Glad to have dave on our side of the fence .Tell him thanks for me for doing his part .
And yes tanerite is fun.

Re: .20 Caliber Fun in the Rat Patch (Beaucoup Pics)

Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2013 11:03 am
by Rick in Oregon
GlennGTR1: Wow, that was some bummer of a fishing trip buddy. Rest assured that the sage is still here, the trout are still swimming in the Deschutes, and Oregon will welcome a son home again. Who knows, once you get here we may even hook up, but at least you'll be "home" again.

Sorry about the Big "D".....always a no-fun situation for everyone. :?

Clint: Yep, he's on our side, and I'm glad of it too. You may remember Dave from a year or so ago when he competed in the Northwest Snipers Challange here:


He's found a good home at Glock, and teaches the armorers school to LE agencies in the NW now when he's not shooting Skippy and his pals that is. ;) I'm feeling real old this grand daughter just graduated high school. Where have the years gone? :shock:

Re: .20 Caliber Fun in the Rat Patch (Beaucoup Pics)

Posted: Thu Jul 04, 2013 8:55 am
by Ray P
Rick...Thanks again for sharing some great pics and story. Congrads to all the group for great shooting and launch factors. Love your range box with all your stickers. The pistol locker is 2nd to none, real sweet. Raising the colors real makes the the trip. Thank you!!

Enjoy the rest of your summer. Be safe and healthy.
Ray P

Re: .20 Caliber Fun in the Rat Patch (Beaucoup Pics)

Posted: Mon Jul 08, 2013 1:50 pm
by Rick in Oregon
Ray, thanks for the enthusiasm and kind words.....always appreciated. It was a good trip to be sure, but not sure if Skippy shares those feelings. :wink:

My old USMC match shooters box has been with me for a very long time and has served me well indeed. It's been modified over the years to better suit my current needs. Here's the inside of the thing during a recent outing with the crew:


Nuthin' fancy, and there's probably better alternatives now, but old habits are hard to change, and this thing just keeps on truckin'. :D