Coyotes with the 204.

Experiences and effectiveness in hunting with the 204 Ruger.
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.204 Ruger Guns: Thompson Center Venture

Coyotes with the 204.

Post by Ohiolongarm »

This is part of 2019 coyote haul,over fifty so far,i hunt from October till first of May generally. two methods ,calling and bait piles.I pick up a dozen road killed deer and chain them behind my house,if not chained they'll drag them away. The colder the weather the bet
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ter the shooting. One pile is 75 yards,one 100 yds away.Works well as does calling.This one took a Hornady 24 grain polymer NTX ruined his day in the throat. We have big Eastern brush wolves here many 40 to 50 pounds plus.