Acrobatic Mini Paddock Pizza

Experiences and effectiveness in hunting with the 204 Ruger.
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Acrobatic Mini Paddock Pizza

Post by bigfellascott »

Well yesterday I decided I'd go for a poke around to see if I could find any "Mini Paddock Pizza's" - a quick phone call saw me on my way, with all the kit packed I was off around 8am for the short 15-20min drive to one of my favourite places to shoot.

After a quick chat with the owner I was off up over the hill to where the rabbits usually are. It didn't take long before I spotted the first few victims, I quickly got the rifle ready and got my self into position on top of a small hill overlooking some blackberry bushes that lined a small creek.

I got the bino's out and started glassing to see how many I could see (thank fark for binos) I'd have missed a heap of em I reckon without em. I wasn't long before I spotted a few pairs of "Radar Dishes" hiding in some long grass (well anything over a inch or so was good enough to make em hard to see the little buggers were that small! :D some of em were just about Palm sized they were that small! :eek:

Anyway I lined up on the first one and sent one on its way - well it just disappeared, I'm like where did that go, one second it was there the next it was gone! :? Looked llike a Hand Grenade went off! Anyway I cleaned up another 4 there from memory, I couldn't find one, only some tufts of hair were all that remained of it (I'd say it landed in the blackberries somewhere I wasn't going in there to find the bastard.




I found what left of it here!






Man don't these little bunnies fly through the air when they get hit with the 204! I had some of em launching around 3 or 4m at times and blood splatter in spots of around 8m away! :eek:

Anyway I found what was left of the first lot, took some pics then decided to move to another spot not far away and got the bino's out and started glassing the edges of some more blackberries, it didn't take long before I spotted a few more :D

This time I got the sandbags out and set them up on the bonnet of the BT, once I'd got all set up I lined up on another fella hiding in the shadows under some blackberries, I lined him up and sent one on its way - that resounding WHACK type sound confirmed a good solid hit, I scanned around again and spotted a tiny little bugger sitting near what looked like a warren so lined it up and WHACK and this one flew through the air too I continued to scan around and found another one (nice ginger looking one) lined it up and sent one on its way, this one hit a bit low but still managed to launch it up in the air only to see it disappear into some blackberries near by :shock:

Anyway after another scan and none willing to come out I decided to move again, sure enough I've packed the kit away and went to get back in the car and I scared one not more than 4m away from em :lol: here I am trying to hit em at 200m or so and the bloody things are literally under my feet.

He's hard to see but hes in the LHS top quarter where the 2 heavy bars intersect if you know what I mean?






I moved up the hill and spotted another one willing to run the Gauntlet, I lined this one up off the mirror and sent one on its way.

I shot a few here but because the hill was so steep and my knees not being up to doing hills anymore (certainly not like that anyway) I could only retrieve a couple that were down low on it.


I then headed off to have a look around another warren I knew of but nothing was seen there so though I'd call it a day and started heading off then spotted these 2 sunning themselves.

So got everything set up again and nek minute




Anyway that was my day out on the Acrobatic Mini Paddock Pizza's.

I also spotted the farmer of another property I have access too next door and I'm heading out there hopefully next week some time (depending on the weather) hopefully there will be some more bunny carnage to come! ;)

Bill K
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Re: Acrobatic Mini Paddock Pizza

Post by Bill K »

Mighty fine.. Bill K :D
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Re: Acrobatic Mini Paddock Pizza

Post by bigfellascott »

Bill K wrote:Mighty fine.. Bill K :D
Cheers Bill :D They aren't real easy to hit when they are that small I can tell you, well not for me anyway. ;)
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Re: Acrobatic Mini Paddock Pizza

Post by fox »

What happened to the images ? cant seem to see em
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.204 Ruger Guns: HOWA

Re: Acrobatic Mini Paddock Pizza

Post by bigfellascott »

I closed the Photobucket account so lost them all.
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