Fox Spotlighting

Experiences and effectiveness in hunting with the 204 Ruger.
Sth Oz Dan
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Fox Spotlighting

Post by Sth Oz Dan »

I've been out of action since just before new years - knee arthroscope x 2 (both knees). The surgeon did an unreal job and the initial recovery (getting off pain killers) was very swift, but I'm now walking :lol: the fine line between too little rest, and too much movement.
So I'm taking this opportunity while I'm off my feet, to post some pics of a few hunts from late last year.

Went out twice with my younger brother and discovered he has very sharp eyes. He spotted more than I usually would.
Both trips we took down 6 red dogs between us, and made some farmers very happy.
The first trip was hilarious. Young pups everywhere, and each one behaved different.
We spotted one on a dam wall about 20 yards off the track. It ducked over the back of the dam, so we continued on about 200 yds to where we usually see a few bunnies - no bunnies, but looking back at the dam, we spotted the young fox again. He very cunningly dodged about 4-5 shots by standing still :mad:
So we drove back up the track for a closer shot. He didn't move and my brother got a 20yd shot at him over the cab with his 22-250 - missed again :mad: And I felt my 1st serious muzzle blast - not nice.
Instead of running away from us, the fox zigzagged toward us and stopped 5 yds from my front tire. My bro run out in front, squatted less than 5 yds in front of the little dog, and let another round go - another miss :mad: :mad: :mad:
I then struggled to hold onto my fluids while I watched them chase each other through a wheat crop.
The fox evaded capture, and we drove on to find more.

Found another on some pretty flat ground that had been reaped, so luckily we were free to drive anywhere. I shot at him and knew I'd hit somewhere because of the way he ran off. A shotgun would've been very handy here as we came very close several times as we chased him in the ute, but he managed to find a burst of energy each time, until I drove straight at him and suddenly stopped, not seeing him run off. A quick glance out the window confirmed what I had guessed



My brother expressed his relief as he glanced around with the light and spotted several holes in the ground (rabbit warren or fox den?? but big enough for a pup to escape in). Got him just in time.
Nearly wet myself again when I backed off him and saw this


Very, Very close to escaping. I rolled him over before taking the photo to try to capture the tire tread marks, but I can't see them here. I was about 6 inches off the hole!

We then did another lap of the property and found the pup sitting back at the dam - silly boy. The .204 quickly dispatched the cunning little fella this time :D

Next trip out there were pups everywhere. This one was taken by the .204 at close to 200yds.


We didn't find him in this pose, but my brother fancies himself as an amateur photo artist :lol:

Just before my operation I took my older bro and his kids for a quick shoot. He also has a 22-250 that misses foxes :lol:
Saw a few, but the only hits were 1 rabbit and 1 fox. Both taken with one .204 round each :D

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Re: Fox Spotlighting

Post by Bodei »

You should have had the Benny Hill theme playing in the background!
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Re: Fox Spotlighting

Post by bazz »

WELL done dan i think you were fishing when you set him up looks more like a flathead than a fox hope you get well to cheers bazz :eek:
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Re: Fox Spotlighting

Post by Sth Oz Dan »

Bodei wrote:You should have had the Benny Hill theme playing in the background!
That would've been an entertaining video. Wish I'd captured it.
Bazz wrote:WELL done dan i think you were fishing when you set him up looks more like a flathead than a fox hope you get well to cheers bazz
I wish they tasted like flathead. There's a few feeds there!
The head and eyes are as we found him, but the pancake pose kinda added to the pic.
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Re: Fox Spotlighting

Post by chrisso »

well done mate. its always a laugh when close shots result in misses
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Re: Fox Spotlighting

Post by Clint E »

Dan sometimes the easyist shots are the hardest shots. thanks for sharing
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Re: Fox Spotlighting

Post by shaman »

Stay safe, I heard the temps were gonna get into the 40's this week.
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Re: Fox Spotlighting

Post by Sth Oz Dan »

shaman wrote:Stay safe, I heard the temps were gonna get into the 40's this week.
Been in the 40's last week and about to soar again. Fires burning all over the country, but we've escaped them so far right here - though we had a couple big ones late last year.

No driving around the paddock for now - hot exhaust started one of the bigger fires that took about 20 properties on Tuesday.

Maybe I'll forget about spotlighting for now and get some fishing in :D
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Re: Fox Spotlighting

Post by BLOK »

Nicely done, just one question. What speed was the Dueler projectile doing when it connected with the animal. :D :D :D
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Re: Fox Spotlighting

Post by Sth Oz Dan »

BLOK wrote:Nicely done, just one question. What speed was the Dueler projectile doing when it connected with the animal. :D :D :D
:lol: About 30km/hr most of the time, but that's actually where I stopped.
I was frantically rubbernecking and spinning the light to see where it ran off to, so I could continue the chase. Until I realised the chase was over :D
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Re: Fox Spotlighting

Post by NSWVarminter »

Wow, That second last image of the Fox with the split skull is insane. Nice shooting.
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Re: Fox Spotlighting

Post by geoff23 »

Had the same opp on my knee A few years ago. glad your surgery went well. make sure you stick to the leg excises as I didn't, Due to that factor my knee never really came right!
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Re: Fox Spotlighting

Post by Sth Oz Dan »

geoff23 wrote:Had the same opp on my knee A few years ago. glad your surgery went well. make sure you stick to the leg excises as I didn't, Due to that factor my knee never really came right!
I've been spending a fair bit of time on the tractor (heavy clutch) and doing a bit of fencing too, without too much trouble.
I think the thing to remember is - be aware of your knees all the time. I don't expect mine to be 100% again, but if I take care of them, (and drop a few kg's :lol: ), they will hopefully last a lot longer this time.
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