Australia Day Fox (Warning Grapic Photos)

Experiences and effectiveness in hunting with the 204 Ruger.
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Australia Day Fox (Warning Grapic Photos)

Post by boomer84 »

G'day guys,

Well i had this all typed up yesterday but some how i deleted it before i submitted it :wall: So i will see if i can get as close to the original as possible though i did have a few celebratory drinks under my belt so that version would have been way better than this one. :lol: And when it got deleted i seen it as a sign to get back to the party and to try again tomorrow!

Well i woke up just before 5:30am dripping with sweat! Looked at the temp gauge *$#@ing 33deg C!!!! So seeing this as a good chance to have some me time and decided to head out for a whistle. So loaded the 204 in the ute and headed out to where i had seen a red hanging around on a few previous mornings. I backed the ute into a plot of trees down wind of the clearing where i had seen him marking his territory. I set up on the back of the ute looking out with about a 300 degree view of the paddock out to about 3-400 yards with group of trees out at about 250. With my tool box as a seat and the roof my bench and 204 on a bipod. I got out the tenterfield and began to whistle.

Two shot sharp loud whistles followed by half a dozen longer quieter ones then about a minutes break followed by one short loud one and another 6 long soft whistles. And right on queue the dog was just drifting out of the tree line at about the 350 mark. So i gave a few more soft calls and i had him hook, line and sinker. He was dawdling as he approched marking rocks and logs and chasing the odd bug but his intentions were clear he was after the sorce of the squeal. As he got near the 150 i let out a loud whistle to try and pull him up for a shot but he came faster as he knew he was close so i barked and he stoped at about 120yrds. CRACK! THUD!! The barnes 26gn Varmint Grenade did its job, DRT. So i get packed up and head out to pick up my score.

A young fox but a good size early litter this year or a late litter of last year. As i check him out i was surprised at the damage that little bullet had created!


This is the entry hole. He was standing face on to me and he must of ducked his head just before i shot as this is the only way i could have hit his back!


Exit hole! WARNING VERY MESSY! this is what gave me a shock litrely give him a new bum hole and casterated him all in one go!


So back home before the missus woke up breaky by the pool then followed by a swim with the temp about to exceed the 40deg C mark (got to a max of 46.8deg C and that was in the shade). Then the beers, the barby and good mates made short work of the rest of this great day. An Australia Day to be remembered for sure.

Happy Australia Day to all the Aussies out there and i hope the hangovers wear off quickly!

Sth Oz Dan
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Re: Australia Day Fox (Warning Grapic Photos)

Post by Sth Oz Dan »

You did the right thing by that red dog. Wouldn't want the poor little fella to put up with the scorching heat you got yesterday :D
Sounds like ya had a good one - pool, barby, beer, mates.
Bit cooler today though I hope.
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Re: Australia Day Fox (Warning Grapic Photos)

Post by inKYfromSD »

Varmint Grenade? Looks more like a Varmint A-Bomb!
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