Wish Me Luck!

Experiences and effectiveness in hunting with the 204 Ruger.
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Wish Me Luck!

Post by 20-250ai »

Got a call form a guy in a ranch I stop in at and asked permition to hunt two months ago. Seams he's lost a calf or two since and fond the number I left him "Just in case he needed some help". 8) So tommarow John and myself are headed to a new 12,000 acer ranch in seach of a few song dogs. The ranch is in the low foothills of the Bayarea Calif. and streches over some very unique land, Some rolling hills, a steep gorge, large lake flat and steep rocky high land, patches of heavy oak openning up on grazing land. Should be a blast. Hasn't been hunted for years!!! ;)

I'm going to take the .204 CZ varmint and the 20-250ai Ruger#1 and with any luck they'll get a workout.

I'll post some pic's, it's one of the most beautiful places I've laid eyes on.

Wish me luck!.................20-250ai
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Re: Wish Me Luck!

Post by acloco »

Email me the address....I will MEET YOU THERE! :)

Good luck!
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Re: Wish Me Luck!

Post by bullfrog »

Let us pictures know how pictures it turns pictures out.
Oh, and include any pictures you might take. ;)
Good luck
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Re: Wish Me Luck!

Post by 20-250ai »

Nice place
It all his ranch up to the house in the top left ot center
John got this one with his savage at 165yards.

I mist a easy broadside shoot at 175yards. Picture perfect stand, sun to our backs and bang nothing but dirt. Shot went high over his shoulder by at least 6in. Kinda took the wind from my sails :oops: After that I let John do the shooting I just called for him.

After eight hours of hiking we decided to take a few squirrels. Come to find out that the scope must have got hit. So I brock out the CZ Ultra Lux in 22LR and finnished out the day with 93 ground squirrels out of 100 shots fired. Longest kill was no more thet 65 yards, most within 40.

Anyway, we had a blast, but most importantly were invited back any time we like. :mrgreen:

....................20-250ai/ Aric
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Re: Wish Me Luck!

Post by jo191145 »

Thats an awesome piece of land. A YZ-450 would work well there 8)

Savage VLP + NF 12x42 + 35 Bergers = .
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Re: Wish Me Luck!

Post by Ryan S Albright »

Good Job! I wish I was there that is some beutiful country. I 've been around that area and only dreamed of hunting it.
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