Stray Dog

Experiences and effectiveness in hunting with the 204 Ruger.
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Post by trevort »

I wont doubt your story. If I was there and faced with the same history of bother and only had one round and was confident I knew it was THE dog that had been causing trouble I MIGHT have taken the shot if I knew there was a safe backdrop behind it.

However if I saw the wounded dog on my property later my next post would have been about how I went after it and stopped its suffering.

No lets think, if I had of done all this I probably wouldnt have posted. I think your biggest mistake here was publicizing the incident and leaving yourself open for criticism. You wont get any judgement from me tho, I'm not religious but I think there is a lot in the 'throw the first stone ' biblical reference.
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Post by WrzWaldo »

trevort wrote: ...

You wont get any judgement from me tho, I'm not religious but I think there is a lot in the 'throw the first stone ' biblical reference.
You just need to make sure it is the bigger stone thrown. ;)
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Post by creekwalkr »

yes, I did know and understand the ramifications of posting my senario. Yes, dog had been circling the property for a few days before the night of shooting. I had been careful to check with binocs for a collar and phone calls for an owner before the STRAY shadowed in the crosshairs.

Yes, it may have not been the most ethical shot. . . there were other calibers to choose from, however, with anything other than 204, a thru and thru was unavoidable at 40 yds.

At some point in time the dog may fall in another person's scope hairs(calves on the ground. . . need I say more) or my own if the STRAY returns with the same attitude he had before.

I expected someone would judge me. . . until they are put through the same or similar senario.

Judge me for poor shot placement and bullet choice, not for what I was shooting at or why. I would understand some serious roughing if I had done an illegal act. Defending one's family and farm is something I believe in whether from man....or beast (really mean STRAY dog).

I'll be sure not to post a senario like this one again. :soap: Good intentions with negitive results. I'm finished with this topic. Your Honor, the Defense rests.
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Post by creekwalkr »

ahab and flunkedchemistry

if YOU smell something fishy. . . .YOU should take a bath.

:oops: ;)
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Post by Ahab »

creekwalkr wrote:ahab and flunkedchemistry

if YOU smell something fishy. . . .YOU should take a bath.

:oops: ;)
OK, I will. Still, would like to know why you didn't call the dog catcher? Or doesn't your county have one? :roll:
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Post by flunkedchemistry »

creekwalkr wrote:ahab and flunkedchemistry

if YOU smell something fishy. . . .YOU should take a bath. :oops: ;)
Thanks creeky I'm headed to the shower now. With the past judgemental skills you've shown and expressed here (both pre and post dog shot), somehow I'm just compelled to trust your call on this. :lol: :eek:

Shower coming right up. Should I report back if and or when the smell is washed off?
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Post by creekwalkr »


the county dog catcher had been out 4 years ago for similar problems with a certain neighbor's dogs. the catcher picked up two of the three and contacted the dog owner. the owner said that he didn't want the dogs and to put them down.

I attempted to contact the catcher this time too, but the catcher being one man who is over worked and under paid didn't answer the phone. I called the dog owner I just mentioned and he said the dog had been at his house causing trouble. I recieved similar complaints from all who I called.

I could scare off the dog for the week or so he'd been running my farm. . . .until he caught a chicken and then he became very aggressive.

I don't know. . . .I have found a few dead raccoons around my dog kennel and the storage shed. . . . I hope distemper is not gonna be a problem.
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Post by flunkedchemistry »


ahab was the one who asked about the dog catcher.

I'm the one who headed for the shower because I valued your cognitive reasoning abilities. Now I'm starting to have concerns again.
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Post by trevort »

just making sure you read the bit in my post saying " I wouldn't judge you". I like having friends around here and regretted the time I did cause offence to a member when ethics were the topic.
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Post by janneuf »

I've stayed out of the fray but I must agree it just smells bad.


You said it "looked" like a chow/sheperd mix like it was the first time you'd ever seen it. Then you later said it had been harassing your livestock.

Maybe it's me but if I saw a dog harassing my livestock and had a chnace to shoot that SAME dog I'd describe the scenario as "I saw the dog that had been harassing my livestock".

Let me put this another way. Let's say there's a hot babe who works at the local coffee shop. You've seen her before, if you saw her again you'd refer to her as the girl from the coffee shop. You'd never say "she looked to be blonde".
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