My thoughts on the Speer 39gr TNT bullets

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My thoughts on the Speer 39gr TNT bullets

Post by tpcollins »

I picked up a box of the 39gr Speer TNT bullets the other day (under $16) and loaded (3) each in .3 grain increments of IMR-8208 for a total of 15 rounds just to get an idea how they shoot. As a means to monitor my reloading consistency, I like to measure the ogive to cartridge head as well as the COAL on all of my loads. For the ogive to base, I was surprized that for the (15) cartridges, they only varied from 1.8945" to 1.8965" - a variation of .002". But the COAL measurements only varied 2.2485" to 2.2495" - a variation of only .001".

I was really impressed with the "looks" of these shiny flat base bullets - and my brother-in-law's VLD tool really made loading these bullets much easier. I can only hope they shoot half as well as they load - we'll soon see.
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Re: My thoughts on the Speer 39gr TNT bullets

Post by mvpal »

Excited to see as well.
Thomson Encore .204
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