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CFE too slow 4 me

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2012 9:23 am
by shtnrlse
That is my first shot above the lower left target. My barrel was definately lubed..CFE definately has a huge sweet-spot.
My chronograph never crested 3580,Even with max load. This was in 52 degree weather.
This set was shot the next morning in 38 degree weather with both 40 vmaxes and 39 bk's. 3530 f.p.s. was my average.
I typically polish my barrel about every 200 +/- rounds. It is definately not "copper-eraser"..
I have taken loads up to 29.4 grains with almost no difference (using Hodgdon data for 40 vmaxes). Primers are not even begining
to flatten.
Back on my 8208...When I pull the trigger,the whip cracks! At almost 300 f.p.s. faster. Groups like this everytime.No crazy horizonal then
verticle stringing from one day to the next with minor temperature changes..
Shooting a Savage Model 10 max-1(24"barrel) and a Leupold 6-18 vari-x II..

Re: CFE too slow 4 me

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2012 9:48 am
by Vartarg
Thanks for posting....I've bought some CFE but have only used it for my .223AR....

I've been very satisfied with IMR8208, but am one of the guys who just has to try pretty much everything that comes down the pike! :roll:

FWIW, the Hodgdon online data site reflects well under a 1% variation from 8208 to terms of velocity with max loads.....

Re: CFE too slow 4 me

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2012 10:52 am
by 204cat
i will have to take a look at imr8208 one of these days.

Re: CFE too slow 4 me

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2012 1:54 pm
by Bill K
Interesting, your velocity's, since they premote CFE as generating fast speeds along with cleaner/copper fouling. Bill K