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HSM 40gr Match Varmint Boat Tail Berger Load

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2011 7:37 am
by nddeluca
I found a load that works very well in my Savage .204 LRPV from HSM and would like to "reverse engineer" it. Does anybody know the powder and primer used in the HSM 40 Grain Berger Match Varmint Boat Tail load?


Re: HSM 40gr Match Varmint Boat Tail Berger Load

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2011 9:07 am
by Rick in Oregon
Why not just call HSM and ask them yourself? :chin:

Re: HSM 40gr Match Varmint Boat Tail Berger Load

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2011 9:22 am
by nddeluca
That was my first call, they would not share the load data.

Re: HSM 40gr Match Varmint Boat Tail Berger Load

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2011 9:25 am
by Song Dog
I remember calling someone about their load data once and they would not disclose either. Must be a secret reciept....but moreless liability, I think.

Re: HSM 40gr Match Varmint Boat Tail Berger Load

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2011 10:01 am
by nddeluca
I also called Sinclair and they said maybe they mix powders but in general mfg's don't like to give out the load data. Maybe I could pull out the bullet and look at the consistency of the powder, grain size, etc., see if maybe it is a mix? Anybody know if its possible to tell that way?

Re: HSM 40gr Match Varmint Boat Tail Berger Load

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2011 10:45 am
by Rick in Oregon
Manufacturers just don't "blend" powders for their ammunition, with the exception of Hornady that actually spec's their powder to their supplier. Nosler for instance, loads their Nosler Custom Ammunition here in town, and uses the same off the shelf powder you and I have access to....nothing exotic. You'd be best served to work up a load just like everyone else, using a powder that gives others optimum performance with great accuracy. There's really no shortcuts to this, you just have to work at it.

If you're VERY familiar with powder grain size, color, structure, you could pull a bullet and compare the powder to ones known to work in the 204 with 40gr bullets, but even then, you're on thin ice in terms of guessing which powder it really is; a mistake could not be pretty, and you could be chasing your tail for a long time. I'd suggest starting with something like H4895 and go from there; it's not magic. ;)

Good luck, be safe.

Re: HSM 40gr Match Varmint Boat Tail Berger Load

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2011 11:54 am
No, it's not magic, but when it all comes together it sure seems like it! Rick is right, there are no shortcuts if they choose not to share the specifics of their load. Although you may be able to determine if it is blended, identifying the specific powder(s) visually would be risky at best. Possibly fatal, worse case.

Re: HSM 40gr Match Varmint Boat Tail Berger Load

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2011 12:33 pm
by nddeluca
I agree 100% with playing it safe, saving a few bucks isn't worth possibly hurting myself or my rifle. All I was suggesting is that if I took out the powder and discovered it was a homogeneous ball powder and a widely used known good ball powder for a 204 is ABC123 it might be a good place to start.
Thank you both for your input.

Re: HSM 40gr Match Varmint Boat Tail Berger Load

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2011 12:52 pm
by nddeluca
Just as a follow up if anyone is interested. I took apart 3 loaded rounds and weighted the powders, 26.75 is the average. I also looked at the powder under 10x jewelers loop. It is a homogeneous extruded powder that looks exactly like H322 (color,length,diameter). I'm going to start off with it at 23 grains (from Hodgdon) and work my way up. Ill let you know how it tests out.

Re: HSM 40gr Match Varmint Boat Tail Berger Load

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2011 2:31 pm
by zx10mike
rl 15 works very well in my barrell 27.2 grn.

Re: HSM 40gr Match Varmint Boat Tail Berger Load

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2011 7:31 pm
by Trent
nddeluca wrote:Just as a follow up if anyone is interested. I took apart 3 loaded rounds and weighted the powders, 26.75 is the average. I also looked at the powder under 10x jewelers loop. It is a homogeneous extruded powder that looks exactly like H322 (color,length,diameter). I'm going to start off with it at 23 grains (from Hodgdon) and work my way up. Ill let you know how it tests out.
Personally I can't figure out how this could be unsafe. All you are trying to do is identify the powder used. Once you identify it you work your load up accordingly. I'm not understanding how this could be unsafe. Like you already stated just stay within the charge boundaries.

Don't forget smell. I can identify a few powders just by their distinct smell.

Re: HSM 40gr Match Varmint Boat Tail Berger Load

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2011 8:19 pm
by Bill K
TO each his own, but if you mis-guess the type of powder and harm your rifle or yourself it is not worth it. The reload manuals are there for a purpose, they show and name the type of powders and loads to start with and to max out at. So why not just use what you know is there, safe to work with and proven, for our benefit ? To go by sight, smell or guess to mate, just does nto sound like good judgement to me. At least that is my . 02 cents worth.. Bill K

Re: HSM 40gr Match Varmint Boat Tail Berger Load

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2011 8:44 pm
by Trent
You wouldn't be "guessing" at anything. You open up a case and look at the powder... Looks like H322... Go to the manual and load as per the manual.

H322 is a listed powder for the .204R.

I fail to see how there is any risk in that process. As long as he works up his loads as per "normal" and watches for pressure signs there is absolutely no way this is any different than picking a powder from the manual at random and working up a load. As long as the powder he assumes they are using is listed for the .204R. Worst case scenario is that he develops a different load.

Re: HSM 40gr Match Varmint Boat Tail Berger Load

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2011 6:03 am
by Bill K
Trent, there could be a world of difference, from looking like H322 and actually being H322. Just not worth the risk of not knowing positively. However that is your choice. As for me, I want to know without a doubt, will follow the mauals and not take a chance of ruining a weapon or my health and welfare. Like I said "To each his own". Bill K Ps. Many years ago I was told if you assume something, you had to remember the saying re. it.. It could make a butt of U or me..

Re: HSM 40gr Match Varmint Boat Tail Berger Load

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2011 7:20 am
by nddeluca
Thank you both for your input. I'm only going to be using powders to work up a load that are either on the powder manufacturers website or out of the Sierra loading book. Nate