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Loading for ladder test (OCW)

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2011 10:16 am
by 247sniper
Hiya guys, Ive just got my powder and its a rainy day so was going to make a start and develope loads for my ladder test. I was just wondering if you guys in the know can confirm if this look correct and if anything needs amending etc to make it better etc.
I probaly do a couple over max and keep my eye open for pressure signs.

Ladder test for reloader 10 and 39 SBK's

15x 21.9, starting load, to fowl clean barrel and set scope up.
1x 22.2
1x 22.5
1x 22.8
1x 23.1
1x 23.4
1x 23.7
1x 24.0
1x 24.3
1x 24.6
1x 24.9
1x 25.1 (Max load)

Do you think .3 increments is correct or would I be better makeing a few more rounds up and doing them in .2's increments?

Many thanks for your helps guys


Re: Loading for ladder test (OCW)

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2011 7:32 pm
by Jim White
I've found that all of my 204's shoot better on the MAX end. If ya' use one of those powders that is prone to pressure changes make sure youc check it out in the hot weather.