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CCI - 400 primers

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2011 9:36 pm
by Hedge
We had a discussion in the CCI 450 topic and I mentioned that I'd tried CCI - 400 primers and was running into cratering. Turns out some did and some didn't, so I thought I had a bad lot. Then I ran across this link in The High Road Forum: ... 1235790947

You have to register to d/l the pdf file but here's the part of interest written by Jim of James Calhoun Mfg. who wrote the article
first Printed in Varmint Hunter Magazine, October, 1995

"- Cases that utilize small rifle primers and operate at moderate pressures(40,000 psi) should
use CCI 400, Federal 200, Rem 6 1/2, or Win SR. Such cases include 22 CCM, 22 Hornet and
the 218 Bee. These primers are also used in heavy handguns such as the 9mm., 357, etc.
Other cases that use the small rifle primer can use the above primers only if moderate loads
are used. Keep to the lower end of reloading recommendations.
- Cases that utilize Small Rifle primers and operate at higher pressures (55,000 psi) should
use CCI 450, CCI BR4, Fed 205 and Rem 7 1/2.
- With large rifle primers all being the same thickness, choose a primer that makes the most
accurate group, is the shiniest, cheapest or whatever, as they all have similar pressure

Re: CCI - 400 primers

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2011 9:29 am
by 204cat
thank you. i use cci 400 and stay at the low end. so why did some crater and some not ? you went over 40,000 psi huh ?

Re: CCI - 400 primers

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2011 10:12 am
by Hedge
You're welcome 204Cat.

Yup, pretty easy to go over 40k with a 204R. Didn't have any problems when using the 26gr Barnes, but when I started using the 32gr and 40gr bullets, the cratering started even at the lower end.

Re: CCI - 400 primers

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2011 5:29 pm
by inKYfromSD
Hedge, thanks for the info and PM. I'm going to load a batch for OCW testing with 450's, 40 gr V-max and 23.1 - 24.4 gr of RL10X. Weather is supposed to be great here this weekend.

Thanks for clearing this up for us! I prefer that all the hot gas to go out the barrel...

Re: CCI - 400 primers

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2011 8:10 pm
by Hedge
You're welcome, inKYfromSD. Hope the batch of rounds you had worked out ok. Let us know how your OCW checks out.

Re: CCI - 400 primers

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2011 6:03 pm
by WnMag
I use cci 400 in all my loads, I have not had any problems in my kimber. Use a lot of H4895 @27.7 gr's and 40gr V-Max. I will have to watch out now..

Re: CCI - 400 primers

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2011 7:53 pm
by p5200
I've still got a few hundred of the CCI 400s I plan to make sure to use them on lighter loads. I've bought some of the BR4 primers and plan to use only those type on my .204 and .223 loads when I run out of the CCI 400s. I think the little extra cost would be worth feeling safer. :)

Re: CCI - 400 primers

Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2011 12:44 am
by Sth Oz Dan
I've just started out reloading. Tested CCI400 primers with Hornady 32 + 40 gn and Barnes VG 26 gn all with ADI BM2 powder (I think the Hodgdon equivalent is Benchmark, and IMR - IMR3031) from min to max recommended loads (from ADI website) and had no pressure signs on any loads.
I'm shooting a Ruger M77 Hawkeye. Could be the 20" barrel?

Anyone got an educated opinion on the barrel length? ie - is the projectile coming out before pressure has a chance to build up? Should I try a quicker burning powder? I'm not interested in DELIBERATELY bursting primers, just wondering why I was able to get through to max loads and not see any signs of over pressure when so many people have had issues with the CCI400's

Re: CCI - 400 primers

Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2011 9:45 am
by 204cat

Re: CCI - 400 primers

Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2011 12:04 pm
by Hedge
Dan -

Good question. Not one I'm savvy enough to answer, though. All I can offer is some observations.

I set my pressure level at 40K just to be on the safe side. Calhoun sets the safe pressure at 55K. So, somewhere in between, I would expect to start seeing pressure signs. From what I see on the pressure charts for 3031, my guess is you're in the range that may, or may not show cratering.

Your 20" barrel, using a faster powder than my 26" using slower 8208 or H4895 might be developing less pressure or nearly the same.
Too many factors such as neck tension, seating depth, chamber dimensions, bullet material etc. have an effect on pressure. So, it's hard to tell.

I started loading the .204 using the Hornady load book which calls for Rem 7 1/2 primers. Never had a problem. Just out of curiosity, I tried CCI400s and got all that cratering in my testing. That started me on some research which convinced me to leave standard SR primers behind. To top it off, the Rems were cheaper than the CCIs. :)

Re: CCI - 400 primers

Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2011 12:05 pm
by Hedge
204Cat -

Good articles. :yeah: