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A question from a newbie

Posted: Sun Jun 26, 2011 9:49 pm
by Tejas
Hi all, I just joined this forum and have a question for you 204 experts. I have a 14 inch Thompson Contender barrel in .204. For the last year or so Ive used factory Hornady ammo in it, the 32 grain V-max. It is absolutely superb in this barrel, consistent 1/2 inch groups at 100 yds.
I finally got a set of dies and decided to reload my own. I have the Lee fl and bullet seater die and a Hornady neck sizer die. Naturally I'm trying to get something that shoots as well as Hornadys factory load so I'm using the 32 gr V-max bullet and using the same COL that Hornady uses, 2.255. After several attempts with the Hornady brass I set it aside and ordered 100 Winchester cases. Ive tried three different types of powder, H4895, Rl-15 and IMR 3031 in various amounts. I've tried full-length sizing and neck sizing. I'm using CCI small rifle primers. So far, I haven't gotten anything close to the factory ammo. 2 inch groups is the best I've gotten so far.
I have 5 other Contender barrels and this is the only one that I haven't been able to reload for, and get better accuracy than I can get from a factory cartridge.
My next thought is a Lee factory crimp die or maybe try different powder, BL-C (2) or H-335.
I appreciate any and all suggestions.

Re: A question from a newbie

Posted: Mon Jun 27, 2011 2:15 am
by Joe O
I would think the Lee seater die would have a crimp ring in the die.With an empty case in the press,run the ram up and screw the die down until you feel it touch the case mouth. I don't believe there is much you can do for case prep ,other than trimming for uniform length,should you decide to crimp.Trn and out y lighter weight bulletsl.I pesonally wouldn't crimp the case mouth.I neck size .002 less than the loaded round.Your neck tention is probably more than that,but not a problem for decent accuracy.I got good results with BL(C)2 30gr,behind a 32 SBK.Also move seating depth in and out .005,to find best group.Let us know how you make out.Re-read the loading manual,and die instructions

Re: A question from a newbie

Posted: Mon Jun 27, 2011 6:03 am
by Trent
I wonder I you had a Chronograph if you could find a better load. Your gun likes the factory load and you could try to match the velocity that you are getting from the factory stuff with your reloads. Your 14" barrel could really like that node.

Re: A question from a newbie

Posted: Mon Jun 27, 2011 6:05 am
by DoubleUp
Tejas, I don't believe Lee makes a FCD for the 204 Ruger. They do make a collet die for neck sizing it, and some believe it helps prevent runout. I've had good results with the collet die.

BLC (2) and H335 both give good accuracy and velocity for me. Right now I'm shooting more IMR 8208 XBR, but wouldn't hesitate to use either of those two which I still keep in the powder locker. I usually shoot 30.1g of BLC(2) with 32g bullets and get about 3,960 fps with really good accuracy. Pretty much shoot 28g of H335 at just about 4,000 fps with 32's and good accuracy. This in a 22" Savage model 16 WW. You will of course need to work your own loads up as these could be overpressure in your rifle. H335 is going to make a heck of a fireball out of that 14" barrel. There are also reports of BLC(2) and H335 being temp sensitive for some shooters, so keep that in mind, but they have not been a problem for me. I try to keep my ammo cool and out of the sun.

H322 and Reloader 10X are a little faster and might work a bit better in the short barrel. You'll find a good load, just be patient and some of these guys will come along and give you some really good advice to help you.

Re: A question from a newbie

Posted: Mon Jun 27, 2011 6:13 am
by GaCop
I use the Lee collet die for both 223 and 223AI and my runout is less than .002". I'm waiting for a 204 collet die to arrive in the near future.

Re: A question from a newbie

Posted: Mon Jun 27, 2011 10:57 pm
by RoadKill
There’s interesting stuff at for getting Contenders to act rite. They can’t be treated like a bolt action especially when it comes to maintaining the right headspace with your particular barrel/frame combination.

Re: A question from a newbie

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2011 2:42 pm
by Tejas
Thanx for all the great suggestions. Instead of trying to copy the Hornady factory load, I guess I'll start from scratch. I'll probably gst some Berger 40 gr BTHP and start again. Thanx all.