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stuck cases ...wth

Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2011 5:25 pm
by ridgerunnr
Been loading the 204 for years...all the sudden i am getting stuck cases like crazy..RCBS amd Redding dies both..lubing up well with One shot..what a pain in the rear!!!.anyone having this prob?

Re: stuck cases ...wth

Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2011 10:04 pm
Sounds like you have to clean the die something has cause the lube not to do its job. This would be the best 1st defense in stuck cases or it may just be a bad lot of oneshot.

Re: stuck cases ...wth

Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2011 10:18 pm
by Trent
I use the shotgun swabs chucked in my drill and load them up with Flitz and run the swab in the die at high speed and the inside of my dies are nice and shiney. Also makes it easy to keep my dies clean. I try to clean my dies out at a minimum every 100 rounds with gunscrubber, q-tips and then re-lube.

Re: stuck cases ...wth

Posted: Sun Jun 26, 2011 7:59 am
by Rick in Oregon
+ one for what Trent said.

Also.....most experienced handloaders and BR shooters all agree that the absolute best case lube is Imperial Sizing Wax and Imperial Dry Neck Lube for neck sizing. In all the years I've used it, never ever had a stuck case.

One great aspect of Imperial Sizing Wax is that it wipes right off with a paper towel or rag, no mess like the "mainstream" crap they pass off as case lube. You could lube a 60 ton crane with most of the junk sold as "case lube".

Re: stuck cases ...wth

Posted: Sun Jun 26, 2011 9:56 am
by Tokimini
I never had a problem until I cleaned my die and lubed it with Hornady One Shot. About five case in I got one stuck.

Re: stuck cases ...wth

Posted: Sun Jun 26, 2011 4:32 pm
by Trent
+1 on the Imperial Sizing Wax. I love the stuff. Like Rick said, it wipes of as easily as it goes on. That little tin lasts for a long long time too. A little goes a long way with that slippery stuff!

Never used the dry neck lube but I think I may pick some up.

Re: stuck cases ...wth

Posted: Mon Jun 27, 2011 5:42 pm
by Bill K
Trent wrote:+1 on the Imperial Sizing Wax. I love the stuff. Like Rick said, it wipes of as easily as it goes on. That little tin lasts for a long long time too. A little goes a long way with that slippery stuff!

Never used the dry neck lube but I think I may pick some up.
Totally agree, Imperial Sizing Wax is the only way to go. I also have not used the neck lube,dry or solid, have not seen the need for such, but nothing wrong with it, if you want. Bill K :D

Re: stuck cases ...wth

Posted: Mon Jun 27, 2011 6:21 pm
by Oldtrader3
I also use the Imperial Sizing Wax. No stuck cases and cleans out easily.

Re: stuck cases ...wth

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2011 9:48 pm
by Jim White
Trent wrote:
Never used the dry neck lube but I think I may pick some up.
Ahhh...ya' got pick some of that up. It really works well.

Re: stuck cases ...wth

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2011 11:46 am
by Trent
Jim White wrote:
Trent wrote:
Never used the dry neck lube but I think I may pick some up.
Ahhh...ya' got pick some of that up. It really works well.
I just added it to my Brownells "need to order" list.

Re: stuck cases ...wth

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2011 7:41 am
by bow shot
While we're on this subject, does anyone have experience/knowledge about the effect of the tumbler media dust on reloading dies?

I'm running a little "experiment" right now... I just started tumbling brass (200 rounds into this so far...) and I see one immediate benefit in that my sizer (lee collet) keeps very very clean now.

I'm running pet store crushed walnut bedding with a scoch of brasso, no dryer sheets, etc.

Re: stuck cases ...wth

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2011 8:30 am
by Rick in Oregon
I've always made it a habit to wipe every case off lightly with a rag prior to initial neck or FL sizing, as there's always a thin film of fine media dust on the cases after tumbling in dry media. If you put sizing lube on a case with this dust, you're then making up a mix of muck that will not do your dies or cases any good whatever.

The inside of the neck gets brushed also, as your expander button (if used) will be dragging across this dusty, contaminated surface every time the case is withdrawn from the die, and will also need more frequent cleaning. JMO

Re: stuck cases ...wth

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2011 9:09 am
by bow shot
Yup, I'm thinking that the dust + lube will = gunk

I'll be annealing and F/L or bumping soon, so I'll make sure I'm clean before I lube...

Re: stuck cases ...wth

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2011 2:31 pm
by ridgerunnr
the die i was using was brand build up..i solved it with a slobbering amount of one shot on the cases. I have used one shot for years and never seen this happen..SO..will try the Imperial stuff. The media had also been cleaned off prior to sizing as well

Re: stuck cases ...wth

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2011 2:35 pm
by Rick in Oregon
runner: When you first try Imperial Sizing Wax, remember a little goes a long way. Just a smidgen on your fingers to smear on the case is all that's needed for F/L sizing. You're going to like the stuff, I promise. :D

The fact that it wipes right off with a paper towel or rag with no residue makes it even quicker/easier to use.