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Nosler 40 grain balistic tip

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2011 12:12 am
by savage733
Hey i am new to this forum and i was wondering if anyone else has had problems with the 40 grain nolsers??
my rifle hates them it struggled to get a 5 round group under 1.5" at 50 yards .....
yet the sierra 39 grain blitzkings were grouping around .375" at 100 ..
i was wondering if anyone else has had as much diffiuclty as i have had???

Re: Nosler 40 grain balistic tip

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2011 6:12 am
by Tokimini
I had the opposite problem. My gun wont shoot the 39 gr BKs worth spit but I get nice tight groups with the 40 gr Vmax. I was advised to try a different powder.

Re: Nosler 40 grain balistic tip

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2011 7:18 am
by Rick in Oregon
savage: The 39gr SBK is by far the best shooting "heavy" bullet in all my 204's. That said however, the Nosler 40gr is my go-to bullet for my Rem M700 11 twist 204. The group below was spoiled by a flyer, no doubt by the nut behind the trigger, but illustrates how this bullet performs in one of my particular rifles.

Do note that the COAL listed is for a comparator length measurement.


The groups I've seen in the Nosler ballistics lab from the 40gr BT are almost all one-holers also, fired from their pressure barrel. If your 12 twist won't shoot the 39gr SBK OR the Nosler 40gr, your rifle just might like the 40gr V-Max, otherwise, plan on just shooting the 32's, or maybe Brad's (CRT) new 34gr offerings or the Berger 35gr.

Either that or start planning for another barrel or rifle........ :chin:

Re: Nosler 40 grain balistic tip

Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2011 1:31 am
by savage733
ok thanks i have been using ar2206h for the noslers and benchmark 2 for the seirra blitzkings i am goign to try the different powders soon and see if it helps

Re: Nosler 40 grain balistic tip

Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2011 1:31 am
by savage733
ok thanks i have been using ar2206h for the noslers and benchmark 2 for the seirra blitzkings i am goign to try the different powders soon and see if it helps

Re: Nosler 40 grain balistic tip

Posted: Sun Jun 26, 2011 10:34 am
by Baja_Traveler
My Savage 12 loves the 40gr Noslers. When I developed a load for it with RL10x (23.8gr) my best 5 shot group at 100 yards could be covered with a dime. I've got boxes of 39 and 32 grainers on the shelf, but have never bothered to try them since the Noslers work so well.

Re: Nosler 40 grain balistic tip

Posted: Sun Jun 26, 2011 4:40 pm
by MG34
I have Remington 700 VLS. I Use IMR 4064, IMR 4895, Varget and AA 2230. The Sierra 32 and 39 grain bullets shoot very well. The Nosler 32 and 40 grain bullets won't even group.