Terminal Ballistics

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Terminal Ballistics

Post by TXNinVA »

I am curious what bullet/powder combo's you use that do not exit. I shoot groundhogs anywhere from 15 feet to 100 yards, maybe 150. I can usually sneak up pretty close, but it is getting harder to do.

I haven't had good luck with anything other than hollow points in my 5.56's and am tunring to the 204 to end my exit wound issues on farms with houses surrounding them.

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Re: Terminal Ballistics

Post by JDB »

Look into the Barnes Varmint grenades. They come apart on contact with just about Anything. So no need to worry about the houses surrounding farm land if your round impacts the ground or a critter.
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Re: Terminal Ballistics

Post by jo191145 »

I'm by far no means an expert on chuck shooting but I think either the Hornady or Sierra in 32gn at normal 204 velocities would work fine also.
Its possible you'll get an exit wound but highly unlikely the bullet itself would cause it. You'd merely be seeing raw energy exiting the carcass.
The bullet would have essentially vaporised by then.

Set up a 2 litre soda bottle filled with water. Prop a fresh piece of plywood behind it. If your lucky you'll manage to find the flat heel of the bullet which in the Horn or Sierra is very thin and could'nt kill a fly on its own ;) The rest of the pill will be reduced to dust and never be seen again.
Drop down to 16-20oz bottles if you like also. I personally never ran that test myself.

I know the 40 Nosler has a thick heel. Not sure about the 32 Nosler which is why I did not recommend it.
Would'nt recommend the Bergers either. They're a tad tuffer than most.

Personally if there were houses downrange I would'nt be shooting at all.

Savage VLP + NF 12x42 + 35 Bergers = .
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