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Primers Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2009 6:31 pm
by majcl5
I cant find primers anywhere. CCI br-4 or CCI 450. Any suggestions

Re: Primers Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2009 9:54 am
by Jim White
You're probably going to have to search on line and switch to different brands. Some are better than none.



Re: Primers Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2009 10:00 am
by Viclaski
Try Kesselring Gun's in Burlington, WA 360-724-3113, ask for Ty, Donnie or Preston.

Re: Primers Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2009 10:04 am
by Rick in Oregon
maj: They've been off the shelves here at Sportsmans Whs now for about a month, none in any of the stores, and small rifle primers seem to be the most scarce. If you've been on the net lately on different forums, you'd have seen this has been going on for about three months, with most places backordered. When you DO find them, price gouging now seems to be in effect.

You'll just have to search far and wide now. Not good, but it should get better, hopefully before rat season is upon us. I'm not holding my breath though..... :? As Viclaski just mentioned, Kesserling's would be a good place to check, but right now. Ron Kesserling is a good guy, and also a rabid rat shooter.

Re: Primers Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2009 12:40 pm
by Bitman
How important is it to use Bench or Match primers for shooting P.dogs?
My local supplier has several 1000 of the CCI, small rifle primers, but no bench primers.
I don't remember if they where magnum or regular, does that matter?
I was thinking I should just buy all he has, and be happy.

Re: Primers Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2009 1:00 pm
by Rick in Oregon
Bitman: Match or BR primers should give you the very last bit of consistency possible with any given load. Sometimes you won't even see the difference on a target, but if high precision is your goal, it is just the last little bit of insurance of consistency, which should (not always) result in slightly better accuracy.

For shooting PD's though, you should get by just fine with standard small rifle primers in the 204. If you've found some, get them now while you have the chance. You'll want 'standard' small rifle primers in the 204 case. Some hard to ignite powders may require magnum primers, some ball powders give better ignition with them, but for most 204 applications, standard should work just fine from my experience.

(It never hurts to have a few magnum SR primers on your bench to try with some powders, just to find out how they perform in your rifle.)

Re: Primers Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2009 4:32 pm
by majcl5
I m good for this season but you never can have enough

Re: Primers Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2009 11:45 am
by Paul
I got some wolf primers the other day and paid about 12 dollars more than what they were worth. I cannot find any thing I need bullets, powder or primers are all hard to find.

Re: Primers Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted: Sun Feb 15, 2009 1:33 pm
by Fatman
I purchased 2000 cci 400 sm. rifle primers about two weeks ago from Natchez shooter supply, but they seem to be out today. Lots of internet searching, then buy them the second you can find them.

Re: Primers Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2009 7:58 am
by Gube
Picked up the last box (1000) of CCI 450 magnums out at our local Ma and Pa shop. Could be a while before we see anymore out here in Sunny Alberta.
I now have about 5000 small rifle primers, so I should be okay for the upcoming grass maggot season. :twisted:

Re: Primers Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2009 9:25 am
by Rick in Oregon
Gube: "Grass maggot"....... still chuckeling on that one. Had not heard that particular description before down here. Good one. ;)

Re: Primers Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2009 12:38 pm
by Uncle Harry
Found some locally a couple days ago in a small shop-both small & large CCI's. Also found some H335 I've been looking for for months! No brass though (I was looking for .308 but ended up finding 100 or so in an unmarked box in my basement).

The haz-mat charges the mail order houses get is nuts. Maybe Obama will waive that?

Re: Primers Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2009 1:44 pm
by Rick in Oregon
Uncle Harry: Nobama is more likely to waive your 2nd Amendment rights! If he has his way, there'll be no powder for us to pay Haz-Mat charges on!

Re: Primers Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2009 2:41 pm
by the_right_reverend
just to drop a hint if it helps anyone that reads this topic............ If you get near Mexico Missouri the Graf's Super reloading Outlet has Most everything in stock that is unavailable else were price roughly 10% above on line prices..... I did a pickup load while home for Christmas :wink:

Re: Primers Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2009 5:52 am
by cshooter
Went to a gun show yesterday and found 1000 wsr's, on a table, after I was done the dealer pulled out another 1000 from under the table. Some other guy saw him do it and ran up to him and said he'd take all the rest that he had under the table. He walked away with about 12000 primers ! People are getting scared and hording supplies. I could of used about 3000 of those ! I guess I should have asked. I talked to another out of stock dealer later that day and he told me some guys are scared Obama is going to raise the tax on all amunition and components to the point shooting and hunting will be a rich mans sport. So they are hording up all they can get, but he also said he knows that some are just reselling them out at a profit, and that kind of scalping ticks me off ! I just buy what I think I'll need for the year and thats all, it's too bad some people are trying to make it hard on other shooters. I know a dealer who is sitting on 30000 primers but told me he was only giveing a 1000 primers and a couple pounds of any one powder to anyone untill summer because he wanted to make sure everybody will get at least some. I admire him for that.......