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I am going to need some help soon..

Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2008 5:34 am
by Pydpiper
I have been tip toeing around the idea of reloading for my .204, looking at the sea of equipment out there and never really knowing where to start. Yesterday a fellow archer decided to retire his stuff and I snapped it up, I know absolutely nothing about reloading but have been doing some reading. I hope the stuff I bought is decent, I plan to ditch what I don't need and stick to reloading my only center fire, my .204.
Here is a list of what I bought, paid just over $200 for the lot.
What am I going to need now?

rcbs cast bullet manual
lyman 47th reloading manual
lyman 45th reloading manual
sierra handgun reloading manual - 3rd edition
cartridges of the world manual
rcbs 45/70 3 die set
assorted resizing lubricants
rcbs uniflow powder measure
lee auto disc powder measure - 2 of these
20 ++ shellholders
set of trim collets/pilots - to go with the case trimmer
case lube pad
powder dribbler
assorted loading blocks
rcbs pneaumatic bullet puller
at least 5 auto turrets of the lee presses
assorted bullet and case lubes
rcbs 505 scale
case brushes and assorted "stuff"
32-40 antique hand die
auto index ratchets
lee auto index press (2 of these)
rcbs case trimmer
rcbs O frame press
45 cal neck expander
30 cal neck expander
22 cal neck expander
powder measure table bracket to fit the unflow powder measure
38-357 carbide die set
assorted brass new and used (all types)
lyman check scale set
assorted cartridge cases
redding 762x39 die set
redding 762x39 neck expander/resizer/shell holder set

"if there is anything else reloading wise kicking around that goes too. !.. "

Re: I am going to need some help soon..

Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2008 10:47 am
by huntsman22
You'll need a set of .204 dies. The 45-70 ones won't cut it........grin

Re: I am going to need some help soon..

Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2008 2:06 pm
by Glen
Did you get the press itself or just the turrets?

Purdy good deal ya got there!! :mrgreen:

Re: I am going to need some help soon..

Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2008 2:55 pm
by Pydpiper
I had to go over that list Glen, it says a RCBS O frame press.. Now, I have no idea what any of this is, I am learning slowly though. A few buddies said it was a good deal so I jumped on it. I am thinking I may need a 45-70 so I can use the stuff. :D
I am having buyers remorse, I bought this stuff thinking it would get me started, minus of course the .204 dedicated stuff I need.

Re: I am going to need some help soon..

Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2008 3:29 pm
by greystone
You might want a dedicated 20 cal powder funnel and a set of calipers. You might also want to consider flash hole deburring and primer pocket uniformer tools. Here's a nice powder funnel. ... type=store
Otherwise you made a good deal. Good luck and have fun

Re: I am going to need some help soon..

Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2008 4:25 pm
by Glen
:eew: Now I see it!! :lol: :lol:

Re: I am going to need some help soon..

Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2008 10:22 am
by Bunnybuster
A new realoading manual. I lke the Hornady, it has a good introduction for the novice in the front. Most powder and bullet companies have relaoding data online or available through their online tech support for their powders and bullets.

A set of 204 dies. I got a Redding "Deluxe" three die set, and generally neck size only for my Ruger No. 1. If you have a semiauto, you will need to full length resize every time, so don't spend the money for a neck sizer die.

I have an RCBS competition seater die and unlike some others haven't had any problems with it, that weren't me. There are some people who have issues with the bullet concentricity using it. I did, have a problem the first time I used it, because if I didn't pay attention the bullet wouldn't drop all the way into the guide, and wouldn't seat true. Once I figured that out, I haven't had any concentricity issues, that I have been able to measure. I like it becuase it lets you load the bullet from the top. I punched a hole in my finger once relaoding for my Brother's .17 Remington, by not paying attention and catching the side of my finger in the case mouth, while trying to hold the little bullet, and work the ram to seat it.

Re: I am going to need some help soon..

Posted: Sat Nov 22, 2008 5:40 am
by OldTurtle
Since you only plan to load for a .204, these are the things I see on the list that you don't need... and if you sold them, they might bring enough to buy what you do need, plus some extra...

rcbs cast bullet manual
cartridges of the world manual
rcbs 45/70 3 die set
assorted resizing lubricants
lee auto disc powder measure - 2 of these
20 ++ shellholders
assorted loading blocks
at least 5 auto turrets of the lee presses
assorted bullet and case lubes
32-40 antique hand die
auto index ratchets
lee auto index press (2 of these)
45 cal neck expander
30 cal neck expander
22 cal neck expander
38-357 carbide die set
assorted brass new and used (all types)
assorted cartridge cases
redding 762x39 die set
redding 762x39 neck expander/resizer/shell holder

You don't indicate what model of the Lee Auto Index Presses you have. If they are the Lee 1000 (takes a 3 or 4 die holder), then you might be able to get it to work for reloading the .204. I have one and have never gotten the powder system to work with the bottle neck cases without crushing them.

The 'assorted brass' would certainly be worth cleaning, classifying, and selling....

A good set of dies for your .204 won't run that much and you should be able to turn enough money from the stuff you don't need to buy the best on the market.. :chin:

Re: I am going to need some help soon..

Posted: Sat Nov 22, 2008 8:17 pm
by JD11
If they are the Lee 1000 (takes a 3 or 4 die holder), then you might be able to get it to work for reloading the .204.
Unfortunately you can't use the Lee Pro Auto Disc powder measure with the 204 caliber without modifying your program a bit :) . The case necks are so small in diameter that half the powder runs down the outside of the case as you pull the case from the powder measure die. The powder measure dump-tube's diameter is too big. I fought it for a while, then phoned a Lee rep and he told me this was the cause of the problem. I got around the problem by removing the indexing rod, neck-sizing and priming all my brass in one step, (rather than using the auto turret feature) then manually turning the turret to the powder loading/measure die and switching to a fired 22-250 case in the press shellholder to trigger the powder measure and dumping each load into the 22-250 case and then funnelling each powder charge from it into my primed and sized 204 cases. Then of course, I turn the turret by hand to the bullet seating die and finish up. IMO it's still faster than a single stage press and not too big of a deal. You can still use the press-mounted Lee auto primer when sizing the 204 cases, by the way. The Lee rep said there's no plans to make a narrower dump tube for the Auto Measure due the problem of the powder possibly bridging in such a narrow tube. I had to agree, that's a definite possibility. Varget and Benchmark don't fall through my 204 size funnel cleanly 100% of the time unless I tap on the side of the funnel.
A couple years ago I upgraded to the newer Lee Classic (I think that's the correct name) turret and it's sure a vast improvement in many ways compared to the earlier turret. Works real slick other then this small 204 problem.

Pydpiper, if you're interested in the type press I'm talking about and would like to learn how the turrets operate, there's an interesting writeup here with many good pics: I might add I have no connection to Lee, in fact I've cussed their stuff a time or two. :wink: