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W748 for 32gn projectiles.

Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2008 9:00 am
by Ausiboy
Hi guys.
Being fairly new to reloading, I have a question about W748 powder.

I am reloading for my RugerKM77Vt, and have heared that W748 is a fairly unstable powder and that pressure will increase greatly with temperature.

Where we hunt here in Australia, it can get very hot, and I am concerened about unsafe pressure seeing I am using near max loads in my book (30.3gn)

Has anyone here had any first hand experience with pressure problems while using around 30gns?

I did try some AR2206H which I think is the same as your H4895, but I much prefer the Ball Powder.
Any tips/experiences would be appreciated.


Re: W748 for 32gn projectiles.

Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2008 2:28 pm
by jo191145
I'm currently burning 748 with 35 Bergers (naked) 29.2gns. Tested as high as 30.0.

In a different barrel using WS2 coated 35 Bergs I've tested as high as 31.5 gns. Temps between 65 -90 degrees Farhenheit. Probably cool to your standards.

The real question is how hot is hot?
At what temp are you currently shooting and how much hotter do you expect it to get?

No matter what powder you use prolonged exposure of ammo to the sun in hot climates will have effects.
FWIW I'd trust a max load of 748 much more than a max load of BLC-2 for stability in temps.

Re: W748 for 32gn projectiles.

Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2008 3:04 pm
by glenn asher
jo191145, I know it can get to 135F down there, I was complaining about the heat a couple of summers back, and the Aussies on a website set me straight :wink: It DOES get hot down there, but hopefully Ausiboy has enough sense to stay out of that kind of heat.... Nothing much to shoot at, when it gets that hot anyway, everything's hiding underground.

Ausiboy, I know you like the ball powders, but I'd seriously consider Benchmark 2 for your 32 gr. .204 loads, it's more stable in extreme temps and provides good velocity and accuracy in most rifles.

Re: W748 for 32gn projectiles.

Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2008 4:19 pm
by jo191145
At a buck35 I'd be hiding under the ground myself. :eew:

Re: W748 for 32gn projectiles.

Posted: Sun Oct 05, 2008 9:52 am
by Ausiboy
Thanks guys.
I will try the BM2, and see how that goes.
