The day I quit using 32 SBK's
Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2008 9:10 am
I just came across this picture which was lost for a while. When I first started loading for my 204's, I was convinced the 32 Sierra was the greatest. Look at the accuracy I was getting and at over 4100 fps with both these loads in both my rifles why try anything else?
While shooting prairie dogs one day, I squeezed off a shot at a 300 yard rodent and the dust flew 20 yards low and left. My spotter said "What the he// was that?" and I had no answer. I loaded and fired again sending the varmint to the big pasture in the sky. On a three day shoot I had this happen 6 or 8 times, always from the same rifle. At the range when I had returned home, I shot this target with the other rifle.
I had read on this forum how Silverfox and others were tumbling the 32 Sierra's at high velocity and this will document my experience.
I now have three 204's and they all like the 39 SBK just fine.
While shooting prairie dogs one day, I squeezed off a shot at a 300 yard rodent and the dust flew 20 yards low and left. My spotter said "What the he// was that?" and I had no answer. I loaded and fired again sending the varmint to the big pasture in the sky. On a three day shoot I had this happen 6 or 8 times, always from the same rifle. At the range when I had returned home, I shot this target with the other rifle.
I had read on this forum how Silverfox and others were tumbling the 32 Sierra's at high velocity and this will document my experience.
I now have three 204's and they all like the 39 SBK just fine.