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Benchmark and Temperature

Posted: Sun Jul 20, 2008 4:04 pm
by Muslmutt
I was getting ready to start working up a load with Benchmark and 35 grain Bergers, and I was wondering how temperature sensitive Benchmark is? Is it in Hodgen's Extreme line that is supposed to be more temp. resilient? It will probably be 80 to 85 degrees when I am at the range, but probably half that when I hunt.

Re: Benchmark and Temperature

Posted: Sun Jul 20, 2008 4:30 pm
by crazy2medic
I live and shoot in Texas, temprature extremes are the norm here, can be 60 one day and 92 the next, august it easily gets over 100 degrees! I have used h335 with no problems but I'm always careful, I have used BLC-2 with to say the least dramatic results, and Benchmark is the best powder I have found works great at all tempratures so far, two prairie dog hunts and assorted shooting or hunting activities with no problems! the only powder I have used with temprature issues was the BLC-2!
benchmark is a good powder! try it

Re: Benchmark and Temperature

Posted: Sun Jul 20, 2008 6:06 pm
by Silverfox
Muslmutt--Benchmark is one of Hodgdon's Extreme powders, which are supposed to withstand extreme differences in temperature without much change in performance. Here's a link to a list of the Hodgdon Extreme powders:

Benchmark worked real good for me in my Savage 12VLP, H322 worked fine, but H4895 worked better. Both H322 and H4895 are Hodgdon Extreme powders.

Re: Benchmark and Temperature

Posted: Tue Jul 22, 2008 11:20 pm
by Lee C.
Muslmutt, I was testing bencmark with 40gr berger bullets last week. It was 87 degrees out and i had some load a little over the max load with no problems. It's a good powder to try i think.

Re: Benchmark and Temperature

Posted: Sun Jul 27, 2008 1:01 pm
by heikki02003
We had a conversation a while back about temp and powder, thread below.

Working up a load to be used elsewhere a pipedream?