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Recomended load for wolf

Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2008 6:30 pm
by Bunnybuster
I live in Idaho, we may or may not have a wolf season this fall, depending on what the Federal Judge in Montana says.

But, just in case I want to start working up a load now.

I have a Ruger No. 1A-B, with the short, light barrel, and a 1/12 twist, I intend to use. Optics, not that it makes a difference, are a Bushnell Elite 6-24X40, with the mil dot reticule.

Any recommendations for a bullet, and associated load data would be appreciated.

Re: Recomended load for wolf

Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2008 6:37 pm
by huntsman22
There are prolly a couple better caliber choices out there........

Re: Recomended load for wolf

Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2008 10:35 pm
by heikki02003
I would go with the heavier 39gr Sierra's or Hornady 40gr V-Max's. They will be good bullets for this application. They are heavier (higher BC) and will carry more weight and punch. Also, they both have ballistic tips, so they will expand easier and faster than the Berger's. A 1:12 twist barrel with the heavier 39gr Sierra's or 40gr V-Max's likes a fast burning powder like H4895 or Reloader 10X.
If it were me I would drop a 39gr Sierra (excellent BC) on a 24.1gr load of H4895 with your favorite primer and work up from there, probably up to approx 27gr.
A 39gr Sierra travelling 3700fps has more than enough impact to take down a wolf, even some of the monsters we have up here in Canada. Just remember, and I probably don't have to say this (but will to make me feel better), there is no better load than a well placed shot for a quick hamane kill... there.
Good luck and have fun!

Re: Recomended load for wolf

Posted: Fri Jul 04, 2008 12:06 am
by Bunnybuster
heikki: It's a Ruger No. 1, so the only shot I know for sure I will get to take is the first one, (even with practice it takes moment to reload). I don't take the shot if I'm not sure of placement, and fatality.

Re: Recomended load for wolf

Posted: Fri Jul 04, 2008 4:55 am
by glenn asher
I think I'd use the 45 grain factory load, if the rifle shoots them well enough. I don't trust the 39-40s enough for penetration on something the size of a wolf. Failing that, I'd probably be happier with a 40 Berger, or a heavier rifle.

Re: Recomended load for wolf

Posted: Fri Jul 04, 2008 6:40 am
by jo191145
I'm not a hunter so I have no personal expierience but I'd look strongly at the 45gn Hornady pill as per Glenns suggestion.
Its the only pill that is designed to perform on critters that large.

The link "204 load data" at the top of the page has data under Hornadys sub heading.
Choose on of the three powders that gives top velocity. You'll want the speed to burn through bone before the bullet fragments.
Judging by Hodgens data for the 40's and 50's H-4895 should be a great choice but for some reason Hornady
did'nt think so :huh:

Shot placement will be totally critical but seeing as you have a single shot perhaps you were raised with that wisdom ;) :lol:

Re: Recomended load for wolf

Posted: Fri Jul 04, 2008 9:34 am
by Glen
I would recommend the 45gr SP's too. If they don't shoot well enough tho I would go to the 40gr Bergers next. Then my 3rd choice would be the 39gr BK's.

Is there really that much difference in hide toughness between a coyote & a wolf?? :shrug: I can see where they would be a good bit bigger boned.

Re: Recomended load for wolf

Posted: Fri Jul 04, 2008 11:25 am
by Vartarg
I've had excellent accuracy with the 45gr Hornady and 26.6gr of Varget....start low and work up. I need to chrony it to check the velocity, but it's the only bullet I've found Varget to be the answer for in the .204.

Personally, just my two cents.....I'd choose a larger caliber and a repeater, rather than the Ruger #1. An AR in 6.8SPC or 6.5 Grendel would be my first choices 8) ......Good luck and keep us informed. George

Re: Recomended load for wolf

Posted: Sun Jul 27, 2008 10:03 pm
by Varmonter
Perhaps a 130 gr nosler partition .277 crammed into that little .204 would work better.
but since you can't do that use the 45 sp. Do you carry a sidearm??

Re: Recomended load for wolf

Posted: Tue Jul 29, 2008 12:03 pm
by Bunnybuster
Varmonter, yes I carry a side arm. As of now there won't be a wolf season so it is probably a moot point. But I think I will do the load workup anyway.

The 204 would be a backup plan anyway. Since the seasons for wolf, and the big game I hunt, (deer, elk, and antelope if I draw a tag), overlap I planned to just buy the tag, and if a wolf showed up during deer or antelope hunts, I would whack it with the 257AI I hunt medium game with. Not sure I would shoot one with the 35Whelen I hunt elk with, it wouldn't leave much pelt.

The 204 would come into play, if like last year I shot my deer in the opening week of Deer season, and still wanted to go out in the hills. It would also be handy to have a load that would drop a wolf, during the winter when I hunt coyote. The hitch in that, would come into play because you can't use any form of bait or electronic calls for wolf, but you can for coyote. So, if I were set up calling coyotes, or using a mechanical bait, and a wolf showed up I'm not sure I would take the shot. Not worth the potential hassle with the Conservation Officers.