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Trying a new bullet.

Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2008 8:54 pm
by Sask Boy
Hi Guys, I have been a loyal 39 gr SBK using H4895 and have had real good success.
Every person I talk with that is shooting the 204 with a 1-12 twist states that I should be shooting the Berger 35gr. so today I broke down and bought a couple of boxes. I am leaving for the farm this coming Sunday for a week so I hope to take a few coyotes and some gophers out of our pastures.
I was wondering if anyone has used H4895 powder with the 35s and what the load is.
I am shooting a Savage 12 VLP,with the 39grs and H4895 and 26.5grs of powder.
I was hoping to stay with the same powder as I have quite a supply.

Re: Trying a new bullet.

Posted: Wed Mar 19, 2008 12:16 am
by Lee C.
Dan, I've been useing 27.2grs of H4895 and it's been doing pretty good for me in my 12fv. With the 35gr berger bullets and it's not close to a max load. Some guys like it up close to max, But like i said this is the load that shoots pretty good for me. Hope that helps you out some.

Re: Trying a new bullet.

Posted: Wed Mar 19, 2008 3:22 pm
by Silverfox
Sask Boy-- Your 39 gr. Sierra bullet has superior ballistics when compared to the 35 gr. FBHP Berger and it will definitely kill coyotes AND gophers. The Sierra bullet may be a bit less expensive than the Berger as well.

The 35 gr. FBHP Berger has been and excellent bullet for me on coyotes. I have not lost any coyotes and seldom have them move much more than a few yards after the shot, if they move at all. Fur damage has been very, very minimal and that's a real bonus if you are a fur hunter. My load for the 35 gr. Berger is EXTREMELY HOT so I won't list it on here. My muzzle velocity with that bullet out of my Savage 12VLP is 4,225 fps. The high velocity helps keep it on a fairly flat line out to 200 to 225 yards. After that distance the wind deflection and drop become detrimental to making the waaaaay longer shots. With lots of practice, it can be done--or even a bit of luck doesn't hurt either :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Several of my friends who have .204 Rugers have used 28.0 gr. of H4895 with that 35 gr. FBHP Berger and have had GREAT success with that load. It is .2 of a grain below the maximum load listed by Hodgdon for that bullet. Work your way up slowly. In my rifle, 28.0 gr. of H4895 gives me a muzzle velocity of right around 3,880 fps with the 35 gr. Berger bullets.

Here's a 100 yard target shot with the 35 gr. Bergers from a cement bench, Harris bipod for the front rest and rabbit ear rear bag at the rear. The first shot at this target was taken after I had replaced the rings and mounts on my Savage 12VLP with the Burris Signature Z Rings and two-piece steel Millet bases and bore sighted it in. I had also shot three or four shots at much closer target to get the scope lined up a little bit better than it was after the rough bore sighting. After those shots at the closer target, I took one shot at the 100 yard target to see where the point of impact was. After the first shot at the 100 yard target, I cranked the elevation knob up 3 clicks and the windage knob three clicks to the left. I think the result was easily minute-of-coyote accuracy.
