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Load development question...

Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2008 10:40 am
by Merrifield
I'm working on loads for a Ruger No 1AB. I worked up loads using IMR4895 with a 32gr Sierra BK starting at 26.0 through 28.2 grains, at .2 grain increments. I loaded 3 of each load, so I fired 3-shot groups with each load. I shot off a rest at 150 yards.

The hotter loads (28.0, 28.2) both resulted in groups about 2.75" (at 150 yrds). The remaining loads grouped better (around 1.5) but none really looked better than the other except for three loads (26.0, 26.8 and 27.0) which produced a similar pattern: the first 2 shots were practically in the same hole, the third was off by +/- 1".

What do you think is going on?

1) barrel getting hot? I fired the three shots without cooling the barrel and the lighter No. 1 barrel was warming up quickly. I was firing strings of 12 shots (4 targets, 3 shots per) and letting the barrel cool for around 20 minutes before starting the next series. I started with the 26.0 load and so after a fouling shot my second and third shot went into one hole.

2) operator error (IMO most likely)? I'm new to this, and can see the bullet holes through my scope. So each time I fired the third shots I could see the groups of the first two.

3) load not right? Do I need to start over?

What do you think?

Re: Load development question...

Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2008 11:05 am
by OldTurtle
First, while I understand the 3 shot practice (I used to do it), five shots will give you a much better picture as shooter error on one round may cause you to dismiss a fairly good load.

Second, I've found when I'm shooting for a group, I need to concentrate on my point of aim, rather than previous shots as it will throw me off mentally. The time to check your group is after you've finished shooting. It's a hard personal discipline to conquer, but it will pay off.

I load for shooting PDs and action competitions with an AR and don't worry about the barrel heating up as it has to be accurate with a warm barrel more than a cool one. Shooting at a reasonably consistent pace does me better that cooling down the barrel between loads/strings. There are probably those that would argue with me, but that's OK, it works for me.

I load 39gr SBKs and have found for my .204s, I get better accuracy with a charge almost 1 full grain below max listing. Once I find a reasonably good group, I'll load up five on either side of that group and see if .1gr makes a difference.

If it is getting better, then I start working with my seating depth. Most .204s seem to have a pretty long jump to the throat and the seating depth can have a big impact in any individual rifle.

Re: Load development question...

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 12:21 am
by Lee C.
Merrifield, I would take your best group you shoot now and play with your seating depth. Then i'd go back and try your powder agine If your not happy then. Maybe your gun just dosen't like that powder or it could be the bullet too. There are alot of different ways to go to fine a load your gun likes.

Re: Load development question...

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2008 7:06 pm
by Merrifield
Thanks for your responses, guys.

Re: Load development question...

Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2008 10:54 am
by Jersey Hunter
I started with the 26.0 load and so after a fouling shot my second and third shot went into one hole.

My first shot after cleaning is usually wide of the next shots. That’s why I call it a fouler.
