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Hey guys I am new here.

Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2007 4:18 pm
by bushymonster
I have found just about every data on the 204 Ruger then BI need. I have a box of Berger 40grn bullet and I have Varget, H4895, Benchmark and H 335 and BLC-2. I am not sure about the H355.powder. Does anyone have a load that's safe? I would rather be at least two down from the top grains. Thanks. I just got a Match Graded it fluted barrel and it shoots great with the Blitz Kings but I don't know what to use on the Berger. I was breaking it in at one shot and clean 10 shots and then three shots and clean for ten times and it was making dime at 100yds. I think it's a keeper. :idea: :huh: :wall: :wall:

Re: Hey guys I am new here.

Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2007 9:18 pm
by WrzWaldo
Howdy and welcome to the 204um!

Up at the top of the page is a link to all kinds of ".204 Load Data".


Re: Hey guys I am new here.

Posted: Thu Dec 06, 2007 6:30 am
by OldTurtle
Due to the small case capacity of the .204, you want to be cautious working up your loads... a 1/10th of a grain can cause excess pressure signs very quickly.

I always start 10% lower than max listed in manuals from the powder or bullet manufacturer, rather than taking anything off the internet.

I've found that some of my most accurate loads are almost a full grain under many published max loads..but then, I'm not a speed freak as I'd rather have a very predictable POI..

Re: Hey guys I am new here.

Posted: Thu Dec 06, 2007 11:37 am
by tmfisher57
Welcome to the forum bushymonster! I shoot the H335 at 27.5gr. in my Howa 1500. It's not a max load & can't recall the max load at the time. It's what shoots VERY good in my gun with the 34gr. dogtown bullets for chucks, & the good ol' 39gr. blitzking for coyotes. Not sure what velocity is, hoping santa brings a crono. but it's accurate and that's all I care about. Good luck with the loads you come up with. Let us know how it turns out.

Re: Hey guys I am new here.

Posted: Thu Dec 06, 2007 11:50 am
by futuretrades
the book loads on the 40 gr vmax only allow less than 2 full grains of h335 min to max. i have a decent shooting load for the 40gr vmax with h335. all that i will say is it is close to max load. i have found that the 32gr vmax does shoot better groups with benchmark. also close to max charge shown.
work up slow, and be safe and sensible, and look for pressure signs on all of your loads. also remember that loads in colder temps may not show pressure signs, but may be over pressure in warmer temps. i found this out from experience, when developing loads for my .223.

Re: Hey guys I am new here.

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2007 9:49 am
by WrzWaldo
Hey bushymonster,

I forgot I had re-worked this --> ... Loads.html

There is a 335 load near the bottom.


Re: Hey guys I am new here.

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2007 6:46 pm
by bushymonster
Hey thanks that helped me out. :D

Re: Hey guys I am new here.

Posted: Sat Dec 15, 2007 8:39 pm
by bushymonster
Another problem. :wall: :wall: I put a primer in and powder and the Berger .20 bullet drops in. :eew: :eew: :?: :?: :wall: :wall:

Re: Hey guys I am new here.

Posted: Sun Dec 16, 2007 4:24 am
by Hawkeye Joe
What sizing die did you use. Full length ?? neck??? Bushing die???

Re: Hey guys I am new here.

Posted: Sun Dec 16, 2007 4:33 am
by skipper

That's not a problem that hasn't happened to almost everyone at least once in a reloading career. I say once because the first time is frustrating enough to make sure it never happens again.

Just remove the decapping/expander stem from your die and size again. Make sure to use lube because you wouldn't want to get one of those puppies stuck in your die. If you were using a bushing neck sizing die, go down a couple more bushing sizes. Do one case and see if the bullet will drop into the case. If not, you can proceed with the rest. If you don't have smaller bushings then remove the decapping/expander stem from your full length sizing die and size them with that.

The first time that happened to me I dumped the powder out and donned safety glasses before resizing. The next time it happened (ok so I'm hard headed) I left the powder in but kept the safety glasses. No problem. Just make sure the priming arm on your press is out of the picture.

Re: Hey guys I am new here.

Posted: Sun Dec 16, 2007 4:27 pm
by bushymonster
I just have the regular RCBS 2-die set. If it's not a problem I could use a description of what kind of die I need. heck I have reloaded 44 mags, 22 hornet, 22-250, 223, and 308s. I have always just used the standard die set. Do I need the expensive die. I hope it's not to high. I am on SS disability and everyone knows Uncle Sam do pay much. I have a terminal disease and it is progressive. I ain't gonna' lay down and give in. I am gonna' fight. Anyway that's not your problem. I have never used a different bushing. I didn't know you could change them. I am a layman. I can use all the help I can get. If any of you have unlimited long distance I can give you my number. I have to pay like 15 cents a minute. :duh:
Randy Hall

Re: Hey guys I am new here.

Posted: Mon Dec 17, 2007 5:21 am
by skipper
RCBS makes several die sets. Some have bushing neck sizing dies and some just have the plain ole full length sizing dies. The competition series sets usually have the bushing neck sizing dies. Hopefully you have a plain ole full length sizing die. Just remove the decapping/expander ball stem from the full length sizing die and run the casings through again. To remove the stem, loosten and remove the small locking nut on top of the die. Then screw the stem down into the die until you can grab it by hand from the bottom and continue to screw it down until it comes out. Set the die up like you would to full length size. (just cams over) Now run those casings through again and don't forget the lube. Without the expander ball, the casings should come out with plenty of neck tension and the bullets won't drop into the case.

If you only have a bushing neck sizing die you're going to need some smaller bushings. I might suggest you buy the .226 and .225 bushings. One of those should give you enough neck tension. Eventually you will need a full length sizing die to bump the shoulders back, when necessary, so if you don't have one you might as well spring for one.

Re: Hey guys I am new here.

Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2007 1:42 pm
by bushymonster
Thanks guys. I reloaded for 25 years but I never got into the real precision and that's what I want is accuracy. What die is a really good one to buy. Do I need to get one that has the dial on the top of it, the $80.00 job. I don't know as much as I thought I did. I have a terminal disease and so I started to varmint hunt because the lupus has put weight on me and the 6 years of chemotherapy and steroid cocktail has added a few pound, a lot of pounds. It has eat up most of my joints so walking very far is out of the question. I did get a 7 point buck on opening day and came down with pneumonia 3 days later and am just getting over it. The disease make my immune system not work as good as other people. I appreciate you guys a lot.

Re: Hey guys I am new here.

Posted: Thu Dec 20, 2007 3:21 pm
by bushymonster
Hey guys I got a hold of Walt and I figured out what I was doing, or what I wasn't doing. I had to lower the die because it wasn't seating enough to close the neck up. Between you and Walt we got it working. Thanks Skipper, hawkeyejoe, wizwaldo and Oldturtle. I appreciate you guys. :D :D :D :D :) :) :) :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :P :P :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: