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WS2 - On shot #80

Posted: Sat Oct 20, 2007 5:16 pm
by acloco
After EXTENSIVE cleaning of my copper fouled barrel (resulted in the extremely poor showing in the Postal Shoot), I have only been using bullets coated with WS2.

First 40 were shot on paper with several different powders and a couple different bullets.

The last 40 were used today, on prairie dogs. :)

My last shot of the day, at 245 yards, resulted in a WHOP of the good kind.

Will not be cleaning the barrel until accuracy goes away. Will continue to use WS2 coated bullets in this barrel.

Re: WS2 - On shot #80

Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2007 12:59 am
by Lee C.
acloco, Nice shooting and it's good to here the ws2 is working out for you too. I've only got 31 rounds with ws2 bullets through my gun so fare useing benchmark powder. As i've been working on my youngest sons house just about every week end this year. But i want to do some more load testing yet with the ws2 bullets and see what kind of fps i'm getting. After i use up a few more moly bullets i have left for my 22-250 i'll be useing the ws2 in that gun too.

Re: WS2 - On shot #80

Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2007 1:22 pm
by acloco
LeeC - keep us posted on the progress.

If I ruined this barrel, for some reason, I am not out anything. So, this was a good testbed for WS2.

Re: WS2 - On shot #80

Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2007 1:55 pm
by jo191145

:lol: Thats my attitude with any Savage factory barrel I own. You can always unscrew em and get a new one.

I've used quite a bit of WS2 in the past and it won't harm your barrel. However because you have a chrome moly barrel and are reluctant to clean it (perfectly understandable, I do the same myself) you do need to use caution with high humidity. It is possible for CM to rust under the coating of WS2. Ask me how I know :oops:

Fortunately the humidity levels are dropping with the new season.

FWIW At the egg shoots I attend most all of the Custom guns are shooting moly. Most of these guns are cleaned very sparingly. Most run one dry patch through and thats it. One fellow has not put anything down his bore besides a bullet in the three years I have been going, zero,zip,nada. He usually takes home a trophy too.
I can only quess he lives in a condo or house with central air running constantly ;)
Go figure :chin:

Re: WS2 - On shot #80

Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2007 5:18 pm
by acloco
Jo191145 - say the least.

My geographic location DOES have humidity. Not as much as other states I have visited, but we do have it.

I wonder out loud....could I simply run an oiled patch down the bore for safety's sake?

Run a dry patch before shooting...and repeat?

Re: WS2 - On shot #80

Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2007 5:35 pm
by WrzWaldo
acloco wrote:Jo191145 - say the least.

My geographic location DOES have humidity. Not as much as other states I have visited, but we do have it.

I wonder out loud....could I simply run an oiled patch down the bore for safety's sake?

Run a dry patch before shooting...and repeat?
I'm not finished with my testing yet but here is some food for thought.
Corrosion Stability -- Can slow down the corrosion rate, but can not fully prevent substrate corrosion

Re: WS2 - On shot #80

Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2007 7:09 pm
by jo191145
alcohol would be best I think. Lots of alcohol. Maybe some down the bore too. :lol:

OK when I noticed a little orange in my 12FV barrel during cleaning I have to admit I had subjected it to some severe environments. Basically it had been in my basement for a week during some of the most humid weather of the summer. Humidity levels down there on par with the bottom of most any lake ;) I'm sure you guys take better care of your rifles than I did with that one. I don't think the WS2 caused the rust just that it can hide under it undetected.
By letting you know of my careless expierience I hope noone will repeat it.

NOT trying to scare anyone! WS2 can be a awesome thing especially in these fast shootin varmint guns. I've seen it do some really amazing things in my tubes. That 12FV was a sick,sick barrel and a little rust did'nt hurt it at all. It still shoots just as bad as it ever did. It took 1500 WS2 coated rounds to realize that barrel just would not shoot anywhere near my expectations. Without it it was totally useless.
My present barrel does pretty well without it (besides the postal shoot :lol: ) Eventually it will probably need to be switched over too.

I'm no expert but I consider oil to be an enemy of dry lubes. Alcohol is thier friend. Took a lot of ammo to come to that conclusion.

Re: WS2 - On shot #80

Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2007 7:30 pm
by WrzWaldo

Why would you consider oil to be an enemy of dry lubes?

I have mixed dry lubes with oil for my race engines. My next engine will get WS2 in the oil.
Adding to Oils or Grease to boost lubrication

Clean and degrease the part when possible. Add WS2 to the oil or grease. WS2 will slowly get coated on mating surfaces by pressure forces as the parts move. When oil change is due, add WS2 again in new oil or grease. After a few oil/grease changes the parts will be completely coated with WS2. The powder can be mixed 1% to 15% v/v (as required) with grease or oil. This will enhance lubricity of the mixture and also improves High Temperature and Extreme Pressure properties of mixture. During the use, WS2 in the mixture will get coated on mating/moving parts, which in turn reduces friction and improves lubricity and load bearing ability for much longer cycles.
Matter of fact for S & G's I'll be adding it to my Jeep next oil change.

The thing about using alcohol in a rifle bore is it drys the bore almost completely. This is no condition to leave bore in! You may get by in a stainless barrel, but it would never do that to a chrome moly barrel.

What I do between shoots and between complete cleanings.

1 Patch soaked in bore solvent (I use #9).

1 Dry patch.

1 patch with light oil.

1 dry loose patch (17 cal in a 20 cal bore).

Before I shoot it again I run 2 tight dry patches.

Re: WS2 - On shot #80

Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2007 8:05 pm
by acloco
Are we talking Tennessee sipping whiskey (my favorite), Canadian Club (another favorite), or maybe a lighter or darker colored Tequila (no, I won't try the worm in the barrel trick - THAT does not improve accuracy).


Thanks for the info.....all of ya'll!

Re: WS2 - On shot #80

Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2007 9:06 pm
by jo191145
Engines OK. I have put some in an old tired logsplitter, my air compressor and the bearings of a vacuum cleaner. Make darn sure the vaccuum cleaner does not leave silver streaks on the carpet before relinguishing control.

Maybe my dislike of oil as a medium relates to the fact that I used Kroil in those days. When I started using WS2 there was almost zilch on info concerning its use. Just like Boron Nitride today.
While scouring the web looking for quidance I came upon some of the posts by John Valentine concerning the improper use of moly. His opinion was using oil as a medium for precoating the bore with moly was counterproductive. The oil would flash into carbon not allowing the moly to properly adhere to the bore. He suggested alcohol be used.
:idea: From that time forward. Besides he's a lot smarter than me.

Even though moly and WS2 are not the same they're close cousins. If alcohol is good for pretreating it should be good for post treating. Then again I'm no expert. I never had much luck doing a partial clean like you described. Tried it countless times and accuracy never resumed where it left off.
I should state though that my last foray with WS2 was the fruitless and frustrating attempt at making that 12FV conform to my will.
Just like all things in shooting. Whatever works works.

Re: WS2 - On shot #80

Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2007 2:33 pm
by Hotshot

Your gun oil bar would match mine exactly.

Re: WS2 - On shot #80

Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2007 5:18 pm
by Paul
Ok what is the load data using WS2? :?: :?:

Re: WS2 - On shot #80

Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2007 6:10 pm
by WrzWaldo
Paul wrote:Ok what is the load data using WS2? :?: :?:
Start with the same load data for the naked bullets and work up a load. Watch for the same pressure signs you would with naked bullets.