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Observations about redding Bushing die and a questions

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2007 8:28 pm
by Matthew
Hello Everyone its been a while

I have been shootin quite a bit lately and reloading alot and not enough range reports :oops:. Im finding that when using the Redding bushig die if I use it with the (Polished) ex-ball the case streches just a hair more than when used without the ball only about .001 though. I also noticed that with the ex-ball being used the case neck is .001 larger O.D. than with out.
These are win cases IE: with Ex-ball the O.D.measures .225 and without ex-ball the O.D. is .224, now the baffling thing is I have and been using the .225 nitride bushing for the die but they come out to be .224 without the ex-ball, I guess I really have a .224 :chin: . I have worked up some very good loads with cases that went through the Ex-ball But the question I have is id like to get away from using the ex-ball all together but but would .001 smaller O.D. be of concern or just make a more consitant load with them having a little more preasure on the bullet in the neck? Does it affect preasure and velocity? Any of your guys observations would help. One other thing I did try with two cases is I ran them through the die one with the ball and one with out and then seated bullets and found the the case that was done with out the ball was just a titch harder to seat the bullet not musch though. Just some observations and Questions.


Re: Observations about redding Bushing die and a questions

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2007 3:10 am
Matthew, I use a .225 bushing in my Redding neck die without an expander ball. Actually I run a .17 ball that does not touch the neck on the recommendation of Redding.I have turned all my necks though. I have also polished the camphor on the inside of the neck with a fine (grey) scotch bright. This has made a big difference in the force required to start a bullet into the case. If you look at a fresh camphor under magnification you will see how rough it is. You should be getting a little spring back from the neck sizing process, but that would depend on the relative hardness of the neck. I keep mine annealed. Bushing dies can be off. You might want to measure it with a tubing mic or call Redding. They are very helpful and will send you a new one if they think you are having a problembecause of the bushing. Bullet tension does affect pressure, velocity, and accuracy. I say call Redding. They are the experts on their tools.

Re: Observations about redding Bushing die and a questions

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2007 3:39 am
by skipper
I'm using a .223 bushing to neck size. My rifle likes more neck tension. My Extreme Spreads are in the teens since I started using it.

I never use the expander ball except to decap. I use it in my cut off neck sizing die, set so low that the die never even gets close to the case. The only thing the expander ball does is hold the decapping pin in place. Since the cases have been fired, the expander ball never even touches them.

Here is a picture of my cut off bushing neck sizing die in decap mode. After decapping, I remove the stem completely and neck size.


Re: Observations about redding Bushing die and a questions

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2007 10:29 am
by jo191145
Theoretically your expander ball should be pushing out any defects in the brass to the outside giving a rounder more consistent neck. With unturned Win brass its been my experience those defects could be considerable, then again maybe not, depends on the lot.
On the other hand its quite possible whatever powder your using might benefit from a tighter neck tension. The variables are infinite. The only way to know is try it.
Changing tension should change your loads. They will need to be reworked.

Re: Observations about redding Bushing die and a questions

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2007 3:49 pm
by acloco
Skipper - what made you go to the cut off die? Gotta know. Another trick?

Use one neck die for mutliple calibers????

If so, THAT is a GREAT idea.

Re: Observations about redding Bushing die and a questions

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2007 4:25 pm
by Matthew
Thanks everyone for the info , I have reworked my 45 sp load and will go to the range to see what the differance is this weekend. I think this will be a interesting little test. Ill post some targets after this weekend. For the guys that have been reloading for a while which do you prefer more or less neck tension??


Re: Observations about redding Bushing die and a questions

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2007 4:49 pm
by acloco
Matthew - Roy, Utah? No way. Wife has two uncles that live there (transplants from southern california and they LOVE it there).

Enough neck tension for the conditions you are hunting.

Benchrest ...about 0.

Hunting - depends - sitting at a bench shooting prairie dogs or traversing mountains in search of elk.

IMHO, concentrate and getting your brass & loaded rounds with 0 runout (straight cases)...prior to neck tension.

Re: Observations about redding Bushing die and a questions

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2007 5:52 pm
by skipper
I cut off the die so that there wouldn't be any way the die could size any part of the body. Without the expander ball, there is no way this die could induce run out into the neck. The only thing this die can do is size the neck. That's all I want it to do.

I think that you will find that more neck tension will reduce your velocity spreads.

Re: Observations about redding Bushing die and a questions

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2007 8:32 pm
by Matthew
Acloco, ya Roy, Utah all my life well most of it first coulpe of years of my life was spent in Green River Wyo. I built a house in Roy about a mile from my folks. Apple didnt fall to far from the tree. Does the wife uncles participate in the 204um ??


Re: Observations about redding Bushing die and a questions

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2007 9:40 pm
by acloco
Nope...they both shoot, but just like to shoot paper with pistols.

I am TRYING to get them out here for a couple prairie luck yet.

Re: Observations about redding Bushing die and a questions

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2007 5:52 pm
by Matthew
Makes me wonder what range they shoot at, Im a member at one of the local ranges here. More than likely and Id put a dollar on a dime that I may have ran into them up at the range I shoot at or down at Impact guns another place I shoot which is real close to us. I Try to talk to all the folks at the ranges and if nothing more just to B.S. thats part of the fun about shootin at the range and its amazing some of the things that I have learned.
Well better start gettin ready going to either go to N. part of utah or up to wyo. this sunday and try out this new redneck E-caller I just built. Range work on saterday for reworkin 45's , mow the yard reload and be ready for sunday hopefully have some pics monday.
