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How to install a neck sizing bushing?

Posted: Fri Jul 20, 2007 2:58 pm
by kirbymagnum
How do I install the neck sizing bushing in my Redding type S micro adjustment die?

Posted: Fri Jul 20, 2007 4:00 pm
by Rick in Oregon
Kirby: It goes in with the bushing number size facing down (it has a .0005" taper), and give it about 1/8 of a turn of slop to let it float and thereby center on the case neck. Don't tighten the stem up all the way....1/8 turn up from tight is about right. ;)

Posted: Fri Jul 20, 2007 8:16 pm
by kirbymagnum
So I take off the knuckle and the depriming pin, spring, and a black piece that holds the spring will come out. This leaves the sleeve left and the body of the die, then i put the bushing in face down. I'm lost when you said give it a 1/8" turn of slope.

Posted: Fri Jul 20, 2007 8:44 pm
by gwglave
Rick is saying when you put it all back together, the bushing needs to float up and down just a little bit within the die.
To adjust properly, tighten the stem down onto the bushing, then back the stem off 1/8 turn and then set your lock ring. That should allow the bushing to float up and down just a few thousandths. This will allow the bushing to center on the case neck.
Hope this helps.
Rgds, Gerry

Posted: Fri Jul 20, 2007 9:22 pm
by Silverfox
Rick in Oregon--Are you sure it is the Redding bushings that have the .0005" taper? I thought I read somewhere that it was the Wilson bushings that have the taper and that the Redding bushings have none??? Now you have me confused?!?!?! :? :? :?

Posted: Sat Jul 21, 2007 12:41 am
by BunGhoLeo
The Redding bushing's are tapered. Say's it right in the sinclair catalog. :)

Posted: Sat Jul 21, 2007 9:04 am
by Rick in Oregon
Silverfox: Yep, .0005" taper. Mic'd it with a hole gauge, also with a four place decimal Mitutoyo digital caliper from both ends.

I wondered about the taper and which way the size stamp should orient, so called Redding, and that's the true skinny.

Kirby: Sorry for not being clearer, and gwglave, thanks for clarifying. Robert: Thanks, it IS in their instructions. :D

Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2007 10:48 am
by kirbymagnum
Thanks for the help

How do you know when the neck sizing die is adjusted properly? Right now mine is set up so that the bushing uniforms all of the case mouth ( Stops right before the shoulder)

How do you know when your FL die is set up properly?

Posted: Mon Jul 23, 2007 5:57 pm
by kirbymagnum
I guess I will find out if it is set up right if the cartridge doesn't chamber Lol.

Posted: Tue Jul 24, 2007 11:46 pm
by Silverfox
kirbymagnum-- Yes, install the Redding bushing with the size numbers down. The instructions that come with the Redding Type S - Bushing style neck sizing die tell you how to adjust the seating stem to give you the .003" - .004" of clearance that allow the bushing to self center on your case necks. One poster said back it out 1/8 turn, but the written directions tell you to back it out 1/16 of a turn.

There is also additional information on how to adjust your die so you are able to size only a portion of the neck. You might want to size the neck down to a point just a little bit below the depth at which you seat your bullets. If you want me to, I can either make a copy of those instructions or type them in this post if you don't have the directions that usually come with those dies.

My curiosity was up when Rick in Oregon and BunGhoLeo indicated that they had concrete information that proved the Redding bushings have a .0005" taper. I looked through each and every page in my 2007-A Sinclair International catalog and could not find any mention that the Redding bushings were tapered. I visited Sinclair's Web site and found nothing that would indicate the bushings were tapered .0005". So, I sent the following e-mail message to Sinclair International:
Recently, I read a post on an online reloading forum where the fellow said, "Redding bushings should be placed in the die with number size facing down because the bushings have a .0005" taper."

Is this statement true? Thank you,
Here is the reply I received on Tuesday, July 24, 2007:
Hello LeRoy,

The forum managed to get half of the information correct to you.
The Redding bushing has no taper to it. You put this bushing in this way
because only one end of the bushing has an entry radius for the entry of the
case mouth since this bushing has no taper to it. The Wilson bushing goes
in with the numbers to the top since it does have a .0005" taper.

Bob Blaine
Sales Representative
Sinclair Internatioanal, Inc.
I am not trying to flame anyone with this post, but I do want you all to know the truth about whether the Redding bushings do or do not have a .0005" taper. I was also sure that the Wilson bushings do have that .0005" taper and I was correct on that count as well.

I'm done with this thread unless kirbymagnum wants a copy of the operating instructions for the Type S - bushing style neck sizing dies. If you do, KirbyM, just PM me and I'll get them to you. I'd rather not have to type the whole thing up.

Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2007 6:00 am
by Rick in Oregon
Slvrfx: All I can say is that my Mitutoyo .0000" digital caliper does not lie..... Verified taper of .0005"

Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2007 5:59 pm
by Silverfox
Rick in Oregon--I don't have a high-dollar digital caliper, only a $16.00 Harbor Freight special that does read out to .0000". When I measured the ID of my .226" bushing with very little pressure on the jaws, I got a reading of .2235" on both ends. When I put considerable pressure on the jaws the measurement went to .226".

I wonder if your Mitutoyo .0000" digital caliper might be suject to this type of spread in the digital reading depending on how much pressure you use with your thumb as you spread the jaws apart????

One correction to my contention that the Wilson bushings have a .0005" taper. I sent an e-mail to L.E. Wilson and received an answer today. Here's the e-mail I sent them:
Would you please tell me if your neck sizing bushings are tapered so they are slightly smaller on one end than the other. I have heard that they are tapered by about .0005".

Thank you,
Here is the reply I received:
Mr Benson,

That is corret, only the taper is .001. Thank you for your question.

LE Wilson Inc

Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2007 6:58 pm
by Rick in Oregon
Slvrfx: I'll check it again soon and advise. Hey, I'm as prone to bumbling as anyone else, so it deserves re-checking if only to set the record straight.

Another all honesty, I can't remember if the call I made (quite some time ago) was to Wilson, Sinclair, or to Redding on the bushing taper issue. CRS, senior moment, who knows, but we'll sort it out one way or another. It will be good to put this one to bed, and know for sure. :D

Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2007 7:16 pm
by kirbymagnum
Silverfox, I would appreciate a copy thanks for your help.


Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2007 7:58 am
by Ray P
Sorry to be off topic.
Rick in Oregon...............I noticed in on the pictures your posted of your Mitutoyo digital caliper how large the digits were and real easy to read. Some I going to get one to replce my central tool one that I'm currently using. Don't what model yours is? So If its good enough for your I'll give one a try.
Thanks and good luck shooting
Ray P :D