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One more test run of the 35 gr Berger bullets.

Posted: Fri Oct 08, 2021 4:43 pm
by Tom Kat
A nice night for testing. I was loving the 3 shot group so I got greedy and sent a flyer on the 4th. I think this will work for my hunting load. I am really liking my new bolt handle.
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Re: One more test run of the 35 gr Berger bullets.

Posted: Fri Oct 08, 2021 6:39 pm
by K22
Nice setup. That is some good shooting, what is your load?

Re: One more test run of the 35 gr Berger bullets.

Posted: Fri Oct 08, 2021 7:18 pm
by Tom Kat
New Nosler brass, 28 hr 8208XBR, 35 gr Berger bullets. I should have just shot 3 shots.

Re: One more test run of the 35 gr Berger bullets.

Posted: Sat Oct 09, 2021 3:18 am
by skipper
Just curious, but have you checked for a carbon ring buildup just at the end of your chamber's throat? Happened to me years ago and I didn't even know it until my wife called me to dinner while I was cleaning my rifle. Just so happened that I had started a wet patch into the chamber where it just starts to get tight at the start of the lands and grooves. When I came back about an hour later I withdrew the patch to put some more Hoppes #9 on it. It was completely black from carbon. I had been getting clean patches before dinner so I was confused. Broke out the JB Bore Paste and gave that barrel a thorough scrubbing. Groups tightened up dramatically, especially noticing those fliers disappeared. Since then I have always been on the lookout for the dreaded carbon ring. It's a group destroyer! I know the 35 gr. Berger bullets are capable of producing some fantastic groups.

Re: One more test run of the 35 gr Berger bullets.

Posted: Sat Oct 09, 2021 4:35 am
by Tom Kat
NO I have not. That's not a bad idea. I have noticed that this rifle shoots better when it has some fowling. I am one to try and keep things clean.

I will give it a good once over next time I clean it. I am probably being too picky anyway. This is a hunting load, and 90% of the shots in my part of KS are under 100 yards. BUT! I want it to be as good as I can get it. The load and the rifle will always out perform this human.

Re: One more test run of the 35 gr Berger bullets.

Posted: Sun Oct 10, 2021 5:45 am
by K22
Something else you may want to try is to lower the powder charge from 28gr. to 27.9. That made a difference in my rifle as the target shows.


Re: One more test run of the 35 gr Berger bullets.

Posted: Sun Oct 10, 2021 7:02 am
by Tom Kat
Its amazing what .1 gr of powder difference makes! Do you think using new brass will create uneven next tension? I have not done anything to them, just loaded and shot. Nosler custom brass.

Re: One more test run of the 35 gr Berger bullets.

Posted: Sun Oct 10, 2021 3:42 pm
by K22
I'm not sure if that would happen with Nosler brass, but I suppose it is possible. Several years ago I had an old benchrest shooter advise me to either dip the mouth of the brass in black graphite or the bullet. I do the neck of the brass because once a bullet is dipped in graphite it becomes hard to hang on to.........leastwise it is for me. It seems to help with consistent bullet release. He had learned this from a relative who worked for PMC and this is what they used to do with their commercial ammo.