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Difficulty With Reduced Loads

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2016 2:07 pm
by arcticmanak
Greetings, long time reader, new member, first post here on the forum.
I picked up a Ruger M77 Mk II recently and am looking forward to using it predator calling here in the interior of Alaska. I need to develop a fur-friendly load but have had some difficulty so far.

I followed Hodgdon's recommendations with H4895 for reduced loads and found one that works for my .22-250 with mv around 2650 and would like to do similar with the 204.

I've tried 45 grn soft points in the 204, over 18.4 grains of H4895 and experimented a with a little more and less to stay in the vicinity of 2600-2800 mv, but the accuracy has been downright terrible, not only with 45 grainers, but also 32 grain VMAX and Barnes bullets. Impacted all over the place sometimes 12" apart at 100 yds. Factory ammo shoots fine, 1" or better.

I should add that my hottest load with the 32 grain VMAX was at 80% of max. load, and it grouped the best, about 3" @ 100 yds.

Both days I was at the range it was very cold, about -25 F.

I would welcome your input. Help!


Re: Difficulty With Reduced Loads

Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2016 4:50 am
by jpx2rk
I don't think the 204 was designed for MV that low. Your reduced loads are well below the suggested min start loads in the two manuals I have, and I've read comments where the 204 really shines with higher MV. Factory ammo is quite a bit faster than your loads which could account for the difference in accuracy.

Re: Difficulty With Reduced Loads

Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2016 5:08 am
by TEXAS222
I'll let you guess where my a** will be when its -25F, it won't be worrying about my group size.
Jim D

Re: Difficulty With Reduced Loads

Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2016 12:39 pm
by arcticmanak
Does anyone have first hand experience using Blue Dot for reduced velocity loads?

Re: Difficulty With Reduced Loads

Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2016 2:37 pm
by TEXAS222
I've just got to ask. Why not shoot at 3500- 3800 but use a bullet that will make a small entry but no exit? To me that makes more sense than a reduced load & a lot less trouble. Just asking.......
Jim D

Re: Difficulty With Reduced Loads

Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2016 2:48 pm
by skipper
If you are looking for a fur friendly load then why don't you try the 35 gr. Berger? Some 204's can't stabilize 45 grain bullets but most will be able to shoot the 35. It has earned a reputation for being fur friendly. Then you won't need to pursue reduced loads.

Re: Difficulty With Reduced Loads

Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2016 2:49 pm
by arcticmanak
With larger predators like coyotes that may be just right, but I shoot quite a few foxes, and I've found that their small body size will rarely allow for an entrance without exit. I've had grapefruit size holes in prime fur when shooting my 22-250 with factory loads. I want to avoid that as much as possible.
Another option is a 45 grain fmj at factory velocity. I suppose that would work as far as minimizing pelt damage, but I'm afraid that I might have some runners.

Re: Difficulty With Reduced Loads

Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2016 6:05 pm
by arcticmanak
That is a good idea. I will look into the Bergers.


Re: Difficulty With Reduced Loads

Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2016 7:32 pm
by skipper
We wouldn't want to read about you running into problems with detonation. There is a risk associated with reduced loads.

Re: Difficulty With Reduced Loads

Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2016 12:40 pm
by arcticmanak
Does anyone have experience using fmj bullets in the 204? I'm considering another option for fur friendly loads - a 45 grain fmj loaded to max. velocity, but am wondering what the results would be with a shot through the vitals.....pelt damage?, instant kills, or runners?

Re: Difficulty With Reduced Loads

Posted: Sat Dec 17, 2016 4:40 pm
by Bill K
Have not used any FMJ's on varmints like coyotes. But I would guess small hole straight through the critters, and some run off/distance for recovery. Those yotes can be tough hombres. Bill K

Re: Difficulty With Reduced Loads

Posted: Sat Dec 17, 2016 4:48 pm
by arcticmanak
Tell me about it! I shot one a few weeks ago with a .22-250 fmj and it went down, stayed down for a couple MINUTES then hobbled to its feet and got away for good in the brush nearby. Those loads are reduced to about 2,650 mv, I'm curious if the results would be any different with fmj in the vicinity of 4,000.

Re: Difficulty With Reduced Loads

Posted: Sat Dec 17, 2016 5:11 pm
by Bill K
Off hand I would say it just would go through them faster, but same results, too often. Bill K

Re: Difficulty With Reduced Loads

Posted: Wed Aug 23, 2017 8:36 pm
by Fat Albert
I have used BlueDot on about 10 rifle cartridges and it safe and predictable. Here is the write up on it ... #960100818