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H4895+Cooper 1:12"~favorite bullets/data?

Posted: Wed Mar 19, 2014 9:09 pm
by .204Rguy
Hey guys~thanks to everyone who chimed-in on the last thread (H322) and I now have loads worked-up using it and some RL-10x. Today, I had a chance to pick-up some H4895 so I did. Wondering if you guys have any data you'd like to share, to get me started. My Googling seemed to turn-up a few ideas using it and bullets in the 39-40gr. range, but I'm flexible. I have a few 39gr. SBKs left (with nothing available when they're gone), but some 35gr. Berger HPs, 32 and 40gr. V-max.

Not sure if I posted this photo here or not, but here is the new rifle on day #1 of load testing at the range. Too darn cold, but even the southern-most part of Canada (where I live) doesn't want to let go of winter this year. ;)


Re: H4895+Cooper 1:12"~favorite bullets/data?

Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2014 7:53 am
by Rick in Oregon
Cold up there still, eh? One of the reasons I don't live up there any more (that, and the stupid gun laws!) the rats are up and begging to be shot already. :shock: Hang in there, spring will spring up there eventually.......... "they" promise.

Can't give you any magic 40gr formula using H4895, but I can show you a typical group shot with my M700 204 11-twist using the 40gr V-Max during load development. I don't shoot much paper, mostly critters, so this is from my files just to show that the 40gr VM does indeed shoot. My Cooper 12-twist also tolerates the 40's.


Play with charge weight and seating depth, and you'll most likely find that 'sweet spot' for that nice 'lil Cooper. :D

Re: H4895+Cooper 1:12"~favorite bullets/data?

Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2014 12:05 pm
by .204Rguy
Hey Rick~thanks for chiming in. Yeah, nasty here today...about -4C and 30km/h winds. If you're from up here..I don't need to do any conversion for you! ;)

Guess I'll dust-off the 40grs again and try them out. Pretty ugly groups using them with H322, and I haven't bothered to look if there is any promise trying them with the RL-10x. As for punching paper~really not my thing, I just do it for load testing. I prefer my targets to have fur. Groundhog fur to be exact. :D Wish we had prairie dogs/gophers here like you guys have out there. Trying to set-up a hunt in Alberta for gophers, but their numbers were WAY down last spring/summer, so my hunt was postponed. Correction, they prefer you don't call gopher shooting "hunting" in Alberta. lol

Re: H4895+Cooper 1:12"~favorite bullets/data?

Posted: Fri Mar 21, 2014 7:20 am
by Blacklab
Dang! nice shooting Rick. I'm still looking for your kind of results ;)

Re: H4895+Cooper 1:12"~favorite bullets/data?

Posted: Fri Mar 21, 2014 9:20 pm
by Jim White
- For 39SBK/H4895 combo, 27.6-27.8 grains worked for me; RP-Case R 71/2 primer.


Re: H4895+Cooper 1:12"~favorite bullets/data?

Posted: Sun Mar 23, 2014 7:01 am
by 204foxguy
For my Savage M12 LRPV-
Dont own a Cooper- They are Great Looking Rifles

For the 39SBK/H4895 combo, 26.5 grains worked for me; Win-Case, Fed 205 primers.