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Nosler 32Gr Varmageddon

Posted: Sat Sep 07, 2013 2:11 pm
by 204foxguy

I working up some Nosler 32Gr Varmageddon loads for a Ruger 204 - Savage M12.

I will be using BLC-2 powder 28.5 to 30.7 grs in .2 gr increments.
I had previously worked up a load using Hornady 32gr, using BLC-2 powder 29.1 grs was an accurate load,
I suspect 29.1 grs may also be the appx load that the Varmegeddon will like. :chin:

I will also be trying H4895 in the Future (27.0 to 29.0 in the future again test loads in .2 gr increments)

Have you used this Bullet/powder combination :?:
I suspect alot of rifles like simular loads example BLC-2, 29.5 gr's - Plus or minus .4 grs.
Would you care to share what load your rifle likes?

I know each rifle needs to have a load worked up to see what it likes and for safty.

I have a 39 gr load that works real well, I'm looking for a better 32gr bullet load.

Thanks to all

Re: Nosler 32Gr Varmageddon

Posted: Sat Sep 07, 2013 5:34 pm
by wirelessguy2005
I have never tried BLC with the Varmageddon's in a 204 so i can't help you there. However i will share that Ramshot Xterminator, Tula SRM primers and the 32 tipped Varmageddon bullets are an extremely accurate combo in every 20 caliber i have tested them in. I started with load data from the Lyman #49 manual and worked my way up. If you have access to Ramshot Xterminator powder give it a try.

Re: Nosler 32Gr Varmageddon

Posted: Mon Sep 09, 2013 1:16 pm
by broper
BLC(2) and the 32gr. Varmageddon are "the" combination for my Rem. 700, .204. I did just about the same load procedure as you.. The most accurate load for me was 29.5 gr. BLC(2), got a .169 group. I was using Win. brass and Rem. 7 1/2 primers. No big pains prepping, the brass had been fired 3 or 4 times. I neck sized, trimmed to length, champfered inside and out side, cleaned primer pockets, wiped lube off and loaded.