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Remington primers

Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2013 6:42 pm
by Ricktgc
Hello all new to the site love all the great information
But I am having an issue I was wondering if any body else
Is having I finally found some small rifle primers for my 204
Remington 7 1/2, this was about 3 months ago started using them
Right away but when firing a 50 round count had probably 10 to 12
Did not fire primer was struck but did not fire. Figured i was doing something
Wrong but it happened every batch of 50. I am using rcbs hand priming tool
And was always seating with firm grip, well I figured out if I do not
Give it that final squeeze they all fire
Came across some Winchester primers and they all fire just fine seating them
All the way properly
What's up with the Remington's ? ( primers are so hard to find I bought 3K :wall: )

Re: Remington primers

Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2013 7:53 pm
by Bill K
I can not answer that one. I use Rem 7.5's about 98 % of the time and have never had a issue with them. Maybe someone can give a solid reason. Bill K

Re: Remington primers

Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2013 7:56 pm
by Jim White
Never had a issue with them but, with things being as they have lately I have to wonder if the QA/QC control goes down some. In 2009 in some Hornady 6mm bullets, there were a couple of 6.5 bullets enclosed. Visually, a 6mm and 6.5mm pill looks very similar and it could have ruined my Redding seater die had I been in a hurry.

Re: Remington primers

Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2013 9:22 pm
by bazz
This is only a sugestion try and get hold of a primer pocket uniformer and uniform the primer pockets ,be cause if the anvil inside the primer is not firmly against shell it can cause miss fires some times the pocket is a bit rough or tight and did u notice if the primers that didnt fire were stick7ng out more and the other . Dirty or rusty or weak firing pin spring will do it allso ,cheers bazz

Re: Remington primers

Posted: Wed Aug 28, 2013 6:39 am
by Ricktgc
The ones that did not fire were seated same as others
and fairly new gun i thought it might be the firing pin also
took apart and cleaned but next session same result
it seems funny to me that if i just dont squeeze down on the
primer tool and leave it just short they work fine i dont know
i am going to use the winchesters and keep shooting
( i have a couple thousand remington 7 1/2 willing to trade)
Thanks for the reply's guys this is a great site

Re: Remington primers

Posted: Wed Aug 28, 2013 6:51 am
by Bill K
This may be a waste of time and not the problem, but I would check the firing pin, to see if the tip is damaged (shorter than normal) and/or the spring (broke or weak). Bill K

Re: Remington primers

Posted: Wed Aug 28, 2013 7:43 am
by Rick in Oregon
Remington 7.5's have about the thickest cup of the lot, so considering this, it's probably a combination of you using brass that has not had the primer pocket properly uniformed, thereby not allowing the anvil to register against the bottom of the pocket thereby giving movement/weak hit, plus a possible weak firing pin spring.

A weak hit on a thick cup primer, not firm against the bottom of a factory tapered primer pocket WILL cause misfires as you describe and fits your description perfectly.

Not sayin' that this is the culprit, but it's the first place I'd look. HTH

Here's some intel on primers you may want to check out:

Re: Remington primers

Posted: Wed Aug 28, 2013 10:34 am
by futuretrades
I suggest you pay attention to all suggestion by previous posters. I am using an RCBS hand primer myself, and have never had an issue with it. But the only sml rifle primers I do use are Winchester. Been using them since I started reloading more than 25 years ago. Have never tried any other primers for large or small rifles. I do know the feeling you are experiencing when seating the primers. IMHO you do not need to put that much pressure on the priming handle when seating the primers. Look at the primers that did not fire. If the sides of the primers look more square than rounded, you may actually be crushing the primer just enough to get a lighter firing pin strike than is needed to fire the primer. Just a thought :idea:

Re: Remington primers

Posted: Wed Aug 28, 2013 7:55 pm
by jo191145
Seems to me he's saying if he fully seats a rem he gets failures. Left a little proud they work. Just the way I read it perhaps.
Excessive headspace coupled with hard primers causing insufficient strikes?

Re: Remington primers

Posted: Thu Aug 29, 2013 12:00 am
by bazz
jo191145 wrote:Seems to me he's saying if he fully seats a rem he gets failures. Left a little proud they work. Just the way I read it perhaps.
Excessive headspace coupled with hard primers causing insufficient strikes?
apart from whats been said that will do it he hasnt said if once fired or new brass or whether neck sizing or full length he might be allso full length to much and nocking the neck back too much cheers bazz

Re: Remington primers

Posted: Thu Aug 29, 2013 10:24 am
by Ricktgc
thanks for all the replys been pulling my hair out on this
all the brass has been fired and am neck only sizing
i am going to try uniforming the primer pocket
from what Rick in Oregon suggests that is the only
thing i am not doing will do a test run this weekend
rest of my loads will be the winchester primers
Thanks again for the great response from every body

Re: Remington primers

Posted: Mon Sep 02, 2013 2:03 pm
by Ricktgc
Ok hello everyone went to the range today
Using the same remington primers and still
Had 1to 2 percent fail I tried all the precautions
Everyone suggested but still can not figure it out
The winchesters all fire fine If I did this right
There is a picture of three shells the middle one did not fire
I think quality control is
Not what it used to be at the factory
I don't know

Re: Remington primers

Posted: Mon Sep 02, 2013 3:34 pm
by Nor Cal Mikie
I wouldn't start blaming the primers till I checked the brass. Maybe, shoulders being pushed back too far, firing hit primers, case too short because of the "excesive"shoulder bump and case gets pushed forward and you end up with a "soft strike??
Punch out (slowly) the FTF primers, hit them with a hammer and if they go BANG, it's not a primer problem. I'am thinking more on the line of case OAL being too short?
Make the OAL of the round longer (jammed into the lands) by pulling the bullet out of the case some and see if the round will fire.
That should tell you if it's a OAL problem. If they go BANG, size the neck without bumping the shoulder. Report back! ;)

Re: Remington primers

Posted: Mon Sep 02, 2013 5:44 pm
by Ricktgc
Ok thanks for the reply will try that
This weekend