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26 gr Barnes Varmint Grenade

Posted: Sat Aug 03, 2013 12:50 pm
by Great White North
The store had a bunch of these in stock and they were a really good price. I worked up a bunch of loads to test. The weather was less than perfect with crazy winds but I decided to test them anyway. They grouped very well considering the wind. The best group was with 27.5gr of H322 zipping along at 4200 on the Chrony.

I wanted to see real world performance so I loaded up some rounds and went out to the rat patch.




Are they as explosive at the 32gr variety? I still haven't decided but they do work well.

On the plus side the store I got them from had about 40 bags of Winchester .204 brass on the shelf!

Re: 26 gr Barnes Varmint Grenade

Posted: Fri Aug 23, 2013 3:02 pm
by Hedge
Don't have pics and wish I'd taken a video of what happened a few days ago.
I came out my back door and saw 2 stripers standing upright about 4" apart. I wanted to try a double with a single shot but couldn't maneuver without them diving for cover. Figured what the heck and lined up on the left one. That 26gr. VG went zipping into him and both peeled off in opposite directions. What was left of each of them was about 3 feet apart. Both were shredded. Talk about varmint "grenade"!

Re: 26 gr Barnes Varmint Grenade

Posted: Fri Aug 23, 2013 3:49 pm
Very cool! Bet they would be fun in a 20VT, as well.