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32 gr Sierra BKs in a 9 twist barrel

Posted: Fri May 31, 2013 7:09 am
by Tokimini
I had some left over 32 gr Sierra BKs that I thought would not work in my new 9 twist barrel. I thought I'd try them just to see if they would do anything other than fly apart. From my 40 grain loads I found the most accurate level was 96 to 98% of max. I took 97% of the max for Reloder10X for a 32 grain bullet and got 25.5 grains. Here's what happened. Best 100 yd five shot group I ever had, .476"


Re: 32 gr Sierra BKs in a 9 twist barrel

Posted: Fri May 31, 2013 2:59 pm
by Bill K
Very sweet.. Always neat to have a experiment/project work out great. Bill K :)

Re: 32 gr Sierra BKs in a 9 twist barrel

Posted: Sun Dec 22, 2013 1:11 pm
by pahoghunter
Tokimini wrote:I had some left over 32 gr Sierra BKs that I thought would not work in my new 9 twist barrel. I thought I'd try them just to see if they would do anything other than fly apart. From my 40 grain loads I found the most accurate level was 96 to 98% of max. I took 97% of the max for Reloder10X for a 32 grain bullet and got 25.5 grains. Here's what happened. Best 100 yd five shot group I ever had, .476"

Try that same load at 200 yds. I'm trying to work up a load for my 1-9 twist, at 100 yds. using moderate loads of 10x and 32 gr Sie or VMAX all is ok. At 200 yds 4 out of 6 never hit the target. Using 10x and 40 gr VMAX & 39GR SIE. I still occasionally loose one at 200 yds. Switching to Varget with the 39&40 gr bullets helped.

Re: 32 gr Sierra BKs in a 9 twist barrel

Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2013 6:28 am
by Tokimini
I have since stopped using the 32s. Half the time I'd get half inch 5 shot groups at 100 yards, the other half one or more in the group would keyhole and be 6 or 8 inches off or miss the target completely. They would just not perform consistently with a fast twist barrel.

Re: 32 gr Sierra BKs in a 9 twist barrel

Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2013 11:12 am
by pahoghunter
What bullet/powder combination are you using that works?

Re: 32 gr Sierra BKs in a 9 twist barrel

Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2013 2:53 pm
by Tokimini
The best combinations for consistent sub half inch 5 shot groups at 100 yards are 39 grain Sierra BKs with 27.9 grains of CFE223 when the weather is warm and 40 grain Hornady Vmaxs with 24.6 grains of good old R10X when it's below freezing. I'm also getting sub half inch groups with the BKs and 40 grain Bergers using 27.6 grains of Viht N140 and 25.8 grains of Accurate A2230. With the Viht and A2230 I've gotten down to just over 1/3 of an inch but they are not as consistent as the CFE223.

Re: 32 gr Sierra BKs in a 9 twist barrel

Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2013 4:44 pm
by pahoghunter
Tokimini wrote:The best combinations for consistent sub half inch 5 shot groups at 100 yards are 39 grain Sierra BKs with 27.9 grains of CFE223 when the weather is warm and 40 grain Hornady Vmaxs with 24.6 grains of good old R10X when it's below freezing. I'm also getting sub half inch groups with the BKs and 40 grain Bergers using 27.6 grains of Viht N140 and 25.8 grains of Accurate A2230. With the Viht and A2230 I've gotten down to just over 1/3 of an inch but they are not as consistent as the CFE223.
I might try the CFE223 when I finish experimenting with the Varget, the AA2230 worked really well in my 20 Vartarg, but that was a 1-12 twist. thanks Bob

Re: 32 gr Sierra BKs in a 9 twist barrel

Posted: Tue Dec 24, 2013 6:29 am
by Tokimini
Anytime Bob. Let me know how the Varget works out. I've been thinking of trying that or BLC-2 next.

Re: 32 gr Sierra BKs in a 9 twist barrel

Posted: Mon Feb 10, 2014 7:26 pm
by BooBear
I just bought a Tikka with a 1 in 12 have only shot 32grs Hornadays, does any one have any information on how the 39gr Sierras would shoot, thanks.

Re: 32 gr Sierra BKs in a 9 twist barrel

Posted: Tue Feb 11, 2014 1:47 pm
by Great White North
BooBear 39gr Sierra's will shoot just fine. One of my most accurate bullets, next to the 35gr Bergers. My Tikka likes 25.7gr of Benchmark with the 39's.