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Case Trimmer

Posted: Mon Dec 31, 2012 1:24 pm
by WyoWindage
Have shot my model 12 Savage and Rem cases about 3 times. Cases are max at about 1.848". Chamber length spec shows about 1.862". Does this sound right? Anyway, was trying to trim them in my Wilson case trimmer with 222 R case holder and fired cases would not protrude enough. Had a Lee case trimmer, but the pilot is 222 so won't work. Lee say they don't make 204 trimmer. Wilson doesn't show a 204 case holder, at least I didn't see it. Midway out of stock, indicates Wilson may be discontinued. Does anyone have any tips I could use to trim my cases? Don't want to go the big bucks route, but not sure what options are available. Thanks for your help. Ron.

Re: Case Trimmer

Posted: Mon Dec 31, 2012 1:47 pm
by ryutzy
L.E. Wilson makes a case holder for the .204. I have one and it's listed as 204R/20 TAC. You may have to FL size to fit in the caseholder. I have never had any issues with the fit myself. If you're measurements are correct, you dont need to trim your cases yet, but you will need to keep track of their measurement as they grow. My Wilson trimmer doesn't use different size pilot or cutterheads, my Wilsons cutterhead does all sizes. Is yours an older model?

Re: Case Trimmer

Posted: Mon Dec 31, 2012 3:35 pm
by WyoWindage
I have two case trimmers. One is Wilson for .308W, etc. and one is smaller, for ppc, 222, etc. The small one has a H surrounded by a circle (looks just like a Wilson). Neither one has a pilot, and they are both older than dirt :lol: My 222 case holder will work for new 204 brass, but not for fired or resized. I will try to get the one you mentioned. I have an old 30-06 case holder that uses a flat file to trim. Wonder if they make those anymore :roll: Not in 204, I'm pretty sure. Thanks a bunch. Ron.

Re: Case Trimmer

Posted: Mon Dec 31, 2012 4:48 pm
by HoundofSC ... ired-cases

I also use mine with the neck reamer to do perfect inside neck chamfers, just set it back far enough that only the very tip of the neck reamer touches the sized case. Perfectly uniform inside chamfers every time

Re: Case Trimmer

Posted: Tue Jan 01, 2013 3:04 am
by Joe O
I use a wilson for my 204s (3 different guns)and some necks barely extend far enough to trim(I just square up the mouth,after the first fireing).I run the tight ones through a redding body die.I would think,any collet type trimmer would work with a 20cal pilot.My Forster does.I honed out a wilson 243/308 holder to work with 243AI cases.Now works with both.

Re: Case Trimmer

Posted: Tue Jan 01, 2013 7:08 am
by broper
I have a Lee .204 case trimmer I ordered it through Midway USA.

Re: Case Trimmer

Posted: Tue Jan 01, 2013 11:48 am
by WyoWindage
I don't have a collet trimmer, would rather not buy one, since I have two Wilsons, which work much better, IMHO. Seems Lee makes 2 trimmers, a lock nut, pilot, cutter, and also a zip trimmer. Which one do you have, broper? Happy new year.