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Re: 39 bk

Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2012 6:15 am
by magnum
DoubleUp wrote:That is a pretty big jump between 27 and 28.2 in a 204. I didn't see where you mentioned what brass you were shooting. Before you give up on the H4895, you might want to try between 27 and 28 going .2g at the time. There is a very good chance you jumped your accuracy node in that range. I'm assuming you were using H4895 with the 32's and 40's which shot lights out, is that correct?
nosler case, and yes i only ever h4895 in all my reloading it some thing i try to do just use the same powder for all my cals a mate of mine called me and had some thing along these lines he said till he got over 28 grain with his 204 did he get the accuracy will load some more rounds up later and work up from 27 !!see how i get on

Re: 39 bk

Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2012 11:21 am
by Hedge
Magnum -

You're not alone with the 39 BK. My Savage 1-12 just doesn't like 'em. I've tried H4895, 8208XBR and dice. Shoots the 40 Vmax great.

Re: 39 bk

Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2012 1:50 pm
by magnum
Hedge wrote:Magnum -

You're not alone with the 39 BK. My Savage 1-12 just doesn't like 'em. I've tried H4895, 8208XBR and dice. Shoots the 40 Vmax great.
Hedge i was thinking it was just me

Re: 39 bk

Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2012 9:27 pm
by DoubleUp
Magnum, since your 28.2 load was close to moa as compared to the terrible lower powered groups under 27, it is still possible your node is between 27.2 and 28. My Savage model 16 shoots the 39's very tight and I had a good node from 27.5 to 28, so I used 27.7 to be in the center of the node. It also shoots the 32 v's and z's well along with 34 VE hp's and 35 Berger's. It is a 1x12 twist and doesn't shoot the 40's very well however.

Re: 39 bk

Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2012 1:56 am
by camo304
Steve if you want some R10 and Rem7.5 primers gives us a bell

Re: 39 bk

Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2012 7:12 am
by magnum
up date reloaded some more rounds over the weekend backed them off to 20 thou and loaded them with 27.4 /27.6 /27.8 of h4895 this seems to have done the trick the 27.8 shoot the best group 0.3" which will do for now will play around bit bit more with them ?? was just about to give up on the 39 bk took them out to shoot a few bunny,s the next nite out to 300 mts they where fine my mate took a few pics of them will try and get them up for you to see ( but they do make a mess 39 bk)

Re: 39 bk

Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2012 6:59 pm
by DoubleUp
magnum, that's great. I thought you might find a node there, and with a little seating adjustment you might get it even tighter, but it sounds pretty decent right now.

Re: 39 bk

Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2012 9:22 am
by bow shot
"the best group 0.3" which will do for now..."

That would do forever for me, LOL!!

Congrats on finding a receipe!

Re: 39 bk

Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2012 1:17 pm
by magnum
thanks for the help lads i was pulling my hair out for a bit (and i need to keep whot bit i got left) ian

Re: 39 bk

Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2012 5:42 pm
by 204cat
< shakes head > 39 bk are picky. you two are the only ones that i have heard 39 bk not liking it till a node is found.