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Re: Primers Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2009 9:54 am
by majcl5
Graf's is out of everything. Now in this crapy economy i have to buy 10,000 primmers just to be able to Hunt. I think the Horders are the problem more than Oboma is going to be.

Re: Primers Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2009 11:19 am
by jo191145
majcl5 wrote: I think the Horders are the problem more than Oboma is going to be.
You might think that now. Give him time. These will be the good ol days before long;)

Re: Primers Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2009 11:21 am
by majcl5
Could it get any worse than Bush!!!!!!!!!!!!

Re: Primers Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2009 11:26 am
by Rick in Oregon
Are we to assume by that comment that you actually voted Democrat/Nobama? Couldn't get any worse??? What world are YOU living in?

Re: Primers Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2009 11:36 am
by majcl5
I am no liberal but you have to admit Bush SUCKED

Re: Primers Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2009 11:48 am
by Rick in Oregon
I won't discuss politics past what has been said, only say that you should keep in mind that Bush never apologized to the Muslim world at taking office, did not staff his cabinet with anti-gun haters from the Clinton crew, used whatever means to get intel from our enemies, and kept us safe from attack after 9/11. I take it you've never been in the military and have no current knowledge of the details of how Bush worked with our forces, and how Nobama has literally no tactical or military experience/knowledge of any kind.

Think primers are scare right now? Just wait.......

You seem to lean liberal to me just by your uninformed comments. I'm done.

Re: Primers Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2009 1:33 pm
by majcl5
First off this is why i hate politics. All politicions are liars and have no morals and say what YOU want to hear to get our votes. I am a hard working construction worker who pays taxes like everybody else. I just know under his watch the world and the USA have gone in the craper. No i dont like bush at all and i dont like alot of things about Oboma either. Were just going to have to wait and see...... Lets talk guns!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

PS Give me a list of your INFORMED opions i should have and i will change to your will.....i am done!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Re: Primers Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2009 2:39 pm
by Hawkeye Joe
I have to ask this question. Why didn't some of you believe it when we were warned about a primer shortage 2 years ago?? We all saw it coming! Well, most of us did. "IF" you voted oboma, YOU made your bed, now sleep in it. Look on the bright side,oboma might evenly distribute primers as well.

This is a good read with the facts! Here's a link

Re: Primers Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2009 8:35 pm
by Glen
clinton did all this & bush didnt try to fix it. So who is to blame?

Re: Primers Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2009 12:44 am
by Sidewinderwa
I was told that CCI is millions of primers behind and layed off some workers. They then got a big order. I think that they are under the credit woes from the banks like lots of businesses are. CCI primers will probably be very hard to get for awhile.

Re: Primers Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2009 3:37 pm
by Wrangler John
Then I read that CCI stopped production of the BR 4 primer due to ignition problems. So, if all that is true, then the other manufacturers will be impacted by the increase demand.

Re: Primers Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2009 8:42 pm
by giterdone
Primers have dried up at ALL of the bigger suppliers such as Midsouth, Midway, Natchez,Lock-stock-and barrel, Graph & Sons, and Sinclair. Sinclair says "the government has grabbed all the primers for their own use". So if you can find some of the type you will be using better grab them or you may not be able to load up for prarie-dogs or other varmints. :lol:

Re: Primers Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2009 10:41 pm
by Jim White
majcl5 wrote:First off this is why i hate politics. All politicions are liars and have no morals and say what YOU want to hear to get our votes. I am a hard working construction worker who pays taxes like everybody else. I just know under his watch the world and the USA have gone in the craper. No i dont like bush at all and i dont like alot of things about Oboma either. Were just going to have to wait and see...... Lets talk guns!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

PS Give me a list of your INFORMED opions i should have and i will change to your will.....i am done!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
As far as politics, a lot of the crap from the past 8 months have been coming for a long...long...time, like back in the 1990's, and some even before that. The root cause of most of this stuff is corruption & greed. I don't care if you're a Conservative, Liberal, Progressive, Democrat, Republican or so on, it goes across all party lines and the sooner everyone sees that the more informed they will become. The only thing a politician cares about (at the end of the day) is who’s trying to take their place at the head of the hog-trough.

This isn't all of Bush's fault, there was a lot of help from the other side of the isle, especially with the Fannie Mae & Freddy Mac failure, specifically from the a Democrat Senator from a North East state who's father was instrumental in writing the Gun Control Act of 1968, incidentally patterned after the 1938 Germany Weapons Act of the Nazi Germany/Adolph Hitler era. A hold (filibuster) was placed on legislation (as far back as 2005) and when done so in the US Senate it takes 60 votes to overcome that. Still, other problems started way before Bush was elected when banks were being pressured to make loans to folks who couldn't pay them. The other killer for us, IMO, our manufacturing base has been moved off shore and we're a consumer-based economy, which I guess it means we spend our way to posterity. That's not a good combination.

As far as primers goes, keep looking. They're out there but be prepared to pay $30.00/1000, or more, plus HAZMAT fees. If you're using a bolt gun most any will do, but if it’s a gas gun I'd stay with the Magnums because of the thicker cups. Federals are notorious for being soft but some have never had problems. WLR has always worked for me, but...mine were nickel-plated. Now days, they’re all brass, or so I've heard.

Don’t blame the hoarders. I first noticed the shortage as far back as 2006. I started buying then, 1K here and 1 K there. Don’t look now but the same is happening with powder. Sure, with a Democratic hold on the government, coupled with that party’s past history on gun control, doesn’t help the situation. There are some good pro-gun Democrats out there. The problem is, the party is run by the likes of Durbin, Schumer, Feinstein and Kennedy just to name a few and if they have there way, this will get worse before it gets better.

Re: Primers Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted: Thu Feb 26, 2009 9:05 am
by Rick in Oregon
Jim: Well said, sir. Add to that list Pelosi, Ried, Biden, and of course, the rock star, Nobama himself, who's just a Chicago liberal lawyer, now at the head of the entire crew. We have a "leader" that hails from the most corrupt state, with the most corrupt history of local and federal politicians in the history of our great country (documented).

You are entirely correct, in that it will get worse before it gets better. Buy 'em if you can find 'em!

Re: Primers Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted: Thu Feb 26, 2009 2:42 pm
by jo191145
The local gun shop was stocking the shelves with CCI -450's Monday. Perhaps the 450 line is moving again.