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Re: LRPV Magic

Posted: Wed May 14, 2008 2:05 pm
by WrzWaldo
tarbabi wrote:Okay, I had our resident BR official measure it today. .109

I am still amazed. I wish I had shot a five shot group now.

I'm sure you misundertood what your "resident BR official" said. I'm certain he said/meant .109 "Average to Center" which is not the group size. The group size is center-to-center of the two furthest shots (Max Spread C-to-C). I just measured it again and I got.


Max Spread Center-to-Center (CTC) .204 (this is the group size)

Average to Center (ATC) .101 (this is not the group size)

The ATC is the center of all shots in the group, below is an example. The "group size" is about 1" but the "average to center" is half the distance between the two marked shots.

A couple more pictures to illustrate...

And back to .5 ATC...

I figured since words alone did not get the point across some graphics might.


Re: LRPV Magic

Posted: Wed May 14, 2008 6:56 pm
by tarbabi
Contrary to your statement, I do understand words and don't always need pictures. Sorry for wasting your time. I'm sure I must have misunderstood my guy. He wasn't using your computer program to measure things and I'm sure that he was wrong too.

Thanks for the pictures,

Re: LRPV Magic

Posted: Thu May 15, 2008 7:35 am
by WrzWaldo
tarbabi wrote:WW,
Contrary to your statement, I do understand words and don't always need pictures.
I did not say that you "always" need pictures. But it did seem necessary in this instance.

Sorry for wasting your time.
This was not a waste of time. I got some more mouse time on some new software, and I think I was able to clear up some confusion on measuring groups.

I'm sure I must have misunderstood my guy.
Not a big deal, we are here to help.

He wasn't using your computer program to measure things and I'm sure that he was wrong too.
The software is not necessary to measure groups, but it does make it easier to illustrate where an error has occured.

Thanks for the pictures,
You're welcome.


My post was not intended to berate or chastise you. If it came across as such I'm sorry.


Re: LRPV Magic

Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2008 10:24 am
by Orion2see

Can you elaborate more on what you had done to the gun, and typicaly how much those things might cost?
