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Re: How much neck tension you guys running?

Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2018 3:33 pm
by KetelOne
skipper wrote: Fri Mar 16, 2018 4:31 am Here's a link to an article on understanding tech tension. ... hing-size/
Thank you for this! I'll give it a read. In the meantime, I have finally ordered a Redding FL Bushing die with both .224 and .225 bushings. We'll see how these work.

Re: How much neck tension you guys running?

Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2018 4:20 pm
by skipper
I've been using a K&M arbor press with dial strain gauge. Helps getting consistent neck tension.

Re: How much neck tension you guys running?

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2018 6:55 am
by KetelOne
skipper wrote: Wed Mar 21, 2018 4:20 pm I've been using a K&M arbor press with dial strain gauge. Helps getting consistent neck tension.
Wow! That thing would look great on my bench! Thanks for sharing the pic!

Re: How much neck tension you guys running?

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2018 7:28 am
by skipper
Don’t forget the Wilson In-Line Micrometer seating die. The combination of the two is hard to beat when precision counts.

Re: How much neck tension you guys running?

Posted: Tue May 01, 2018 12:32 pm
by 204Luver
Correction -- after I run my fired Hornady 204 cases through my .225 Redding bushing they measure .223, so .226 loaded minus .223 is .003 change.

Re: How much neck tension you guys running?

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2018 5:13 pm
by varget204
My fired cases out of 2 savages were .231=.2315,i,ve tried lee collet ,redding competition neck,rcbs Gold medal match, FL and neck,.Rcbs competition fl,hornady custom fl ,redding standard,rcbs standard. The lee, .224 resized case,tried .224,.225 bushings in the redding and gold medal match,the rcbs fl and the hornady fl come out.223-.2235. My Krieger barrel and my criterion are .230-.2305.out of 4 barrels the most accurate loads are all Full Length resized @.223-.2235 using the Rcbs competition or the hornady fl dies.loaded .225-.226,except Rem cases they are about .001 bigger,Have shot more than 10,000 rounds of.204, in the last 6 mo i,ve put 1805 thru my kriger,another 805 thru my criterion barrel since april of 2018.ONE thing that will help w/flyers in a SAVAGE ,installing bolt lift kit in them to eliminate torque from firing pin.i,ve put 1 in ea of my .204,s and 1 in my 6.5/284.You can also improve grps by sorting bullets by OGIVE length{get a bullet compareator} and weight,Seating by Ogive length,preping and weighing cases.One of THE MOST IMPORTANT is get yourself a Concentiicity Tool,If you dont have one you could 1/2 your can check cases, loaded rounds for concentricity.Many dies ,some high $$$ will not ,if my cases are more than .001,they go in the trash,loaded should be under .002 for sure,mine are .001 or less,when i have 1 that isn,t i use it for warm up/fouling shots. i have 2 a sinclair,and a hornady.W/ the horrnady you can adjust loaded round till it is concentric.A good tool to get is Rcbs Precision Mic set you can check OAL of your chamber,OGIVE length of loaded round,and headspace on the case.10 years ago i loaded OAL,COAL,then i started seating so all my rounds are by OGIVE length.That is the most important.The OAL will very; but w/same OGIVE length you get the most accurate.Some barrels shoot neck sized better,you have to check,4 -.204 barrels and 1- 6.5/284, full length shoot the best.i forgot to add weighing power charges accurately,I use a Gem PRO good to 1/2 a tenth of a grain,and a lyman , to .1 ,I weigh first on GP then lyman then back to Gem pro.I just use Win-small rifle primers,going to see if BR primers make any difference at long distance.