Light Loads?

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Light Loads?

Post by Qtiphky »

I recently picked up some Dogtown bullets in 34 grain weight. I couldn't find load data for them so I used data for 35 grain Bergers that I reduced by a couple of grains and worked up.

The starting load for a 35 grain Berger was 28 grains of Varget. I loaded at 26, 26.5, 27, 27.5 and 28.

The most accurate load out of my CZ 527 American was the 27 grain, followed by the 27.5, then the 26.5 and then the 28 grain, (which was the listed minimum for a 35 grain bullet.)

Because the most accurate were below the listed minimum load, my question is this. Can I start loading these in quantity and experience no adverse effects to my gun? None of them showed pressure signs, but will they leave more powder residue in my gun, will they cause problems in the long run, what is the real pressure and is it too low?

I know there are a lot of guys here who know far more than me and that is why I am asking.
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No Thoughts?

Post by Qtiphky »

No thoughts or opinions on this?
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Re: Light Loads?

Post by jo191145 »

Well, I've never been to fond of light loads. The 34 Dogtown most likely has a pretty low BC and needs all the help it can get. Can't recall the BC being published anywhere but it must be low.
Your loads may work fine at 100yds but add some breeze and extra yardage and they may fall apart. May is a big word tho. ;)

Will your barrel like the extra fouling it might get from light charges? It may. (theres that word again)
One group does not make a winner. Is it repeatable and substainable?
As your brass hardens will you get blow by on the neck? Not good.

Any reason to stop at 28gns?

How much Varget you got? Very hard to come by these days. Might not see anymore for quite awhile.
Word is theres 22,000 lbs being jugged up for the USA. Mostly 1lb jugs which drives up the price and it will be gone very fast.
Hodgen powders were marked at $28.00 a pound at the local gunshop. Sheeezzz!

Savage VLP + NF 12x42 + 35 Bergers = .
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Re: Light Loads?

Post by Qtiphky »

Thanks for the reply. I still have some Varget but I am still devleping other loads as well. I agree that one outing doesn't make a good determination, but it is a starting point. The day I was testing these loads was extremely windy and gusty and swirling winds. I was actually surprised at how tight all of my groups were.

Now to try some more weights and I still have several other powders to try.
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