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Will you accept the challenge?

Posted: Sat Aug 16, 2008 5:01 am
by skipper
The 204um Challenge that is.


The Challenge:
Shoot the best three group aggregate at 100 yards and knock the reigning champion, Hawkeye Joe, from his perch as the forum’s “Top Dog” for a whole year. The Overall Winner will be decided by the average of three, five shot groups. Smallest aggregate wins. A tie will be decided by one shot into Skippy’s Eye. Most centered shot wins the tie.

The Weapons Classes:
All firearms must be chambered in .204 Ruger. No Vartargs, Practical, Tactical or PPC need apply. A firearm may only be entered into one class. One target will be mailed for each firearm you intend to shoot. Each target must be returned whether you actually fire a shot at it or not.

Black Rifle is a "run what ya brung" semi-auto class. Any components, any ammo.

Factory Rifle / Factory Ammo class will be a production rifle that has not been re-barreled or had the chamber re-cut. Trigger replacement and bedding of the stock are permitted. Any scope magnification allowed. Only factory loaded ammo allowed.

Factory Rifle class will be a production rifle that has not been re-barreled or had the chamber re-cut. Trigger replacement and bedding of the stock are permitted. Any scope magnification allowed. Factory or hand loaded ammo allowed.

Factory Custom Rifle class will include Remington 40X, Coopers, Kimber... To include any factory action mated to any aftermarket barrel. Any scope any ammo allowed.

Custom class, any custom rifle. Anything allowed.

There will be first, second and third place winners in each class. The Overall Winner and the First Place Winner in each class will be allowed to display a personalized event icon in their signature line for the next year. We want to know who to take advice from when getting ready for next year’s challenge. All competitors agree to abide by the honor system. Thanks, in advance for being honorable. All issues that may arise will be decided by the forum members with majority vote being final.

To Register:
PM skipper with your address and number/class of rifles you will be shooting. Unless you ask otherwise I will simply use your forum name when mailing your targets. That way maybe I can keep them straight. I do not need the details of your rifle or reloading process. Those details will be provided by the Overall Winner and First Place Winner in each class once the dust settles.

Once your targets arrive, shoot for score and return the targets postmarked no later than October 1st. DO NOT make any marks on the front of your targets to aid in aiming or otherwise. Winners will be announced as soon as the last target arrives. If you would like your target returned to you please, provide me with a stamped, self addressed envelope when you return your targets for scoring. All scoring will be done with On Target software.

The Targets:


Re: Will you accept the challenge?

Posted: Sat Aug 16, 2008 5:38 am
by skipper
This post has only been up for a few minutes and we already have our first two shooters registered. Let's see my inbox flooded!!!

Re: Will you accept the challenge?

Posted: Sat Aug 16, 2008 7:14 am
by cracker
hope you recieved my info skipper. O.K. people look out as I am going to move up in the standing this year. last year I took second and I know I can do better this year. I finally have a load for the 35 grain bergers working pretty well. and the cz seems to be a little more polished then last year. OH did I mention I took second last year. that was second from the last. lol
good shooting everyone have fun and thanks to all who have helped put this together.
where oh where is wzwaldo.

Re: Will you accept the challenge?

Posted: Sat Aug 16, 2008 8:52 am
by walleyeman
Thanks Skipper for organizing this event...I just hope that everything is okay with WrzWaldo. Good luck to all who enter and hope everyone shoots up to there potential.

Re: Will you accept the challenge?

Posted: Sat Aug 16, 2008 11:46 am
by skipper
Ya' know, there are a lot of benefits from participating in the competition. When you compete you learn new skills and polish old skills. I sure hope everyone will get onboard and make this a worthwhile event. All the extra time and effort put into getting prepared for and actually executing your plan really pays dividends later on down the road.

Re: Will you accept the challenge?

Posted: Sat Aug 16, 2008 12:54 pm
by Keith in Ga
Just sent in my info. Looking forward to getting into the competition.
Thanks for running the shoot....

Re: Will you accept the challenge?

Posted: Sat Aug 16, 2008 1:54 pm
by jo191145
The glove has been cast to the ground!! The challenge made, the gauntlet to be run!!

OK enough bravado, I accept.

I also hope all is well with Kevin. All of our thoughts are with him.

Re: Will you accept the challenge?

Posted: Sat Aug 16, 2008 3:52 pm
by skipper
The Factory Rifle/Factory Ammo class is intended for those who do not hand load and haven't done any major work to their rifle. This is your basic rifle you would find at any outlet that sells firearms. This would include Remington, Savage, CZ, Browning, Ruger, etc. This class is for those who may just not have had time or the interest to start playing with reloading or accurizing their rifle yet. This is an entry level class open to anyone who wants to compete but doesn't want to or just hasn't yet spent a lot of time or money to gear up. This class is also for those who may have just bought their rifle and want to compete. Yes, it does allow trigger replacement and bedding but that's it. These rules are consistent with the rules WrzWaldo used for the Postal Shoot last year.

Rifles like a Cooper or a Dakota do not belong in this class. Cooper and Dakota rifles use custom barrels and or actions in the production of their rifles. Custom runs of factory rifles like the Remington XB 40 also do not fit in this class. These rifles belong in the Factory Custom class.

The Factory class is the same as above but, the shooter is going to be shooting hand loaded ammo. He has load developed and has his or her ammo tuned to the rifle. This is the only difference in these two classes. If you specified the Factory class, I am assuming you will be shooting hand loaded ammo. If not, you need to be in the Factory Rifle/Factory Ammo class.

To my knowlwedge, the Savage LRPV is NOT a custom action or barrel and therefore belongs in the Factory Rifle/Factory Ammo or the Factory Rifle class. If enough members disagree with this statement, we will let popular vote decide.


Re: Will you accept the challenge?

Posted: Sat Aug 16, 2008 6:26 pm
by acloco
I vote the LRPV should be in the custom class. This is the same level of craftsmanship as a Rem 40X.

Re: Will you accept the challenge?

Posted: Sat Aug 16, 2008 7:54 pm
by Hawkeye Joe
You can count me in. As for a LRPV being the same as a 40X, I'm not sure. With a cost of $1700 more than a LRPV. The 40X must have something special besides cosmetics :chin: .
What do you think about a LRPV class?? This way I can shoot my Predator in the Factory class :twisted: .

Re: Will you accept the challenge?

Posted: Sat Aug 16, 2008 10:15 pm
by acloco
OR...divide the classes by MSRP.

Don't believe a $350 rifle should compete against and 700 or 1000 dollar rifle.

Re: Will you accept the challenge?

Posted: Sun Aug 17, 2008 5:10 am
by Glen
These rules are consistent with the rules WrzWaldo used for the Postal Shoot last year.
If we're lucky Kevin will be back to run his shoot too. I feel having the rules the same for both shoots makes things easier. My Vote is for consistency & I feel Skipper is trying his best to maintain that. :wink:

Re: Will you accept the challenge?

Posted: Sun Aug 17, 2008 5:27 am
by cracker
Rules are like laws and government, when we have to many or to much you ruin a good thing, lets play be the rules we already have. like gun laws if the ones in place were inforced we won't need new ones.
My 2 cents.

Re: Will you accept the challenge?

Posted: Sun Aug 17, 2008 5:31 am
by Hawkeye Joe
What about the Predator rifles. Their a $350 rifle with a $350 paint job :eek: :lol:. I for one, don't think the LRPV's belong in the Factory class. If you remember, I wasn't gonna shoot my LRPV last year because I didn't feel it was fair. If their's not enough LRPV's for it's own class, the factory custom it should be :D .

Re: Will you accept the challenge?

Posted: Sun Aug 17, 2008 6:04 am
by jo191145
I shoot Savages but my 204's are on VLP platforms.
Nonetheless I seem to be in a small minority that does not believe the LRPV is a custom gun.

The LRPV receives no special treatment from the factory. Its bolted together with parts from a production line just like every other Savage. You could get a tac driver or lemon.

The 40X to my understanding is processed through Remingtons custom shop. Hand selected and fitted parts with a hand lapped barrel.

At the egg shoots I attend LRPV's are also put into the custom class. They chose a simple rule of any rifle retailing for more than ($950 I think) on as a custom. A few guys own them but rarely bother competing with them against the 6BR crowd.
At the same shoots it is legal to rechamber a factory tube to any wildcat you like and still compete in factory. Doesn't make much sense to me but thats the rules.

Personally I have no problem with LRPV's shooting factory. If I lose to one or a dozen I'll put the blame on my lack of preperation and poor shooting skills. Not my rifle or anyone elses. JMO