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204 Ruger dot com Postal Shoot (Inaugural) Final Results

Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2007 5:47 pm
by WrzWaldo
54 targets sent / 28 targets returned

Code: Select all

Overall Low Agg --->  Hawkeye Joe .2467 (204um Top Dog)

Custom ------------>  Skipper .3230

Factory Custom ---->  Robert harrel .4507

Factory ----------->  Hawkeye Joe .2467

Factory Ammo ------>  walleyeman .8193

Black Rifle ------->  Bad Dad .7280

Small Group ------->  Robert harrel .195

Four Shot --------->  LeeC .218 (1.556 5 shot group)

skipper ----------> 0.3230										
rayfromtx --------> 0.4480										
wrzwaldo ---------> 0.6230										
Ray P ------------> 1.1087										
Factory Custom									
Robert harrel ----> 0.4507					
Rambler ----------> 0.5647					
Snowshoe Joe -----> 0.7973					


Hawkeye Joe ------> 0.2467
KVW --------------> 0.3580
jo191145 ---------> 0.3743
hozz57 -----------> 0.5013
Hotshot ----------> 0.5773
Robert harrel ----> 0.5790
Lee C. -----------> 0.6613
Steve V ----------> 0.6630
skipper ----------> 0.7263
Bad Dad ----------> 0.7283
Vartarg ----------> 0.7443
skunkriver -------> 0.8110
The N.U.B. -------> 0.8440
Ray P ------------> 0.8653
NHS --------------> 1.0497
LeeC -------------> 1.2010
acloco -----------> 1.6907

Factory Ammo				

walleyeman -------> 0.8193
skunkriver -------> 1.0360
cracker ----------> 1.1030

Black Rifle				

Bad Dad ----------> 0.7280

Targets viewable here ---------> Yep, right here!

Group scores viewable over there ----------------------------------------------------------> Clicky Thingy!

Re: 204 Ruger dot com Postal Shoot (Inaugural) Final Results

Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2007 6:48 pm
by Hawkeye Joe
WOW!!! TOP DOGGY.. Buddy(he's getting BIG) is very proud of his Papa :lol: . It took a while to finally find the right bullet powder combo. Remember the 8's with N135 :oops: . Keep digging if you have the time. It will pay off. I guess all the shooting and testing (sometimes twice a week) paid off. Thanks for putting on the shoot Waldo. It was lots of fun. I hope the next one is a 2 or 300 yarder :twisted: . Or is my LRPV parked :D

Re: 204 Ruger dot com Postal Shoot (Inaugural) Final Results

Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2007 7:18 pm
by acloco

Re: 204 Ruger dot com Postal Shoot (Inaugural) Final Results

Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2007 7:30 pm
by jo191145
Way to go Mike :D :hail: :wtg: last but not least :banana: :banana:
I'm proud of you too!!! Awesome shooting!!!

How bout some new pics of Buddy tho.

Thanks to Kevin for putting on this show. Some great computer wizardry too. This coming from a guy who can't copy and paste yet

Re: 204 Ruger dot com Postal Shoot (Inaugural) Final Results

Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2007 7:49 pm
by skipper
Congratulations Hawkeye. You sure got that gun smokin'. Congratulations to Robert Harrel also. That's one small group.

I can't wait for the next time I get to go Postal!!!

Re: 204 Ruger dot com Postal Shoot (Inaugural) Final Results

Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2007 8:10 pm
by Hotshot
congrats to all there was some mighty fine shootin' goin' on for this match. Special congrats to Hawkeye Joe, that is one awesome performance sir. You have set a high standard for our future shoots. I'm gettin' ready for the next so look out everybody and good luck.

Re: 204 Ruger dot com Postal Shoot (Inaugural) Final Results

Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2007 9:24 pm
by walleyeman
I have to tip my hat to you real shooters out there. Maybe some day with more practice I'll be able to close the gap somewhat. Congrats to all who participated. It is not how you do on that particular day that is the most important but rather the fact that we get a chance to get out and enjoy our passion. I hope that this kind of thing can be duplicated in the future, it sure was fun and I learned many things about shooting for score and in particular my gun. With only 3.5 boxes down the tube I hope it only gets better.

Thanks once again to all who had a hand in making this happen starting with WrzWaldo who had to put up with the barrage of incoming targets and who so professionally made the results available to us. Great computer skills!

Heres to next time! :D

A teaser for our first theme shoot...

Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2007 10:25 pm
by WrzWaldo

I'm still working on the scoring.

Not to scale!

Re: 204 Ruger dot com Postal Shoot (Inaugural) Final Results

Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2007 10:46 pm
by Robert harrel
first thanks wrzwaldo for taking the time to set this up
congrats to skipper,hawkeye joe,bad dad, and walleyeman for some real consistent groups
congrats to the rest of the members that shot for being in the first annual postal shoot now we all see just what its going to take.
# 1 Consistency (not me :eew: )
or one or two really good groups :D
now i need to hang out with some good shooters to show me how to shoot better

Re: 204 Ruger dot com Postal Shoot (Inaugural) Final Results

Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2007 10:50 pm
by Robert harrel
wrzwaldo just saw your theme shoot idea i like it

Re: 204 Ruger dot com Postal Shoot (Inaugural) Final Results

Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2007 11:26 pm
by Lee C.
First I want to say congratulations To Mike and all the top shooters in each class. Thats some great shooting each of you guys did. My hat is off to every one of you guys.

And even to the rest of us that got a ways to go to get there. We all did our best and to me that counts for some thing in my book. For me even though my target look like (sh--) it was a great time and a big eye opener.

And to WW a really big THANK you for putting this all together and all your work on it. It's been a great time and i've learn alot from it. I hope this well keep going on and we get more guys in to it.

It's been alot of fun to be apart of this shoot. Lee

Re: 204 Ruger dot com Postal Shoot (Inaugural) Final Results

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2007 3:31 am
by Glen
Congratulations Mike!! Thats a heckuva score!!

Thanks Kevin. Nicely done!! :wink:

Re: 204 Ruger dot com Postal Shoot (Inaugural) Final Results

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2007 6:02 am
by Hawkeye Joe
I didn't by any chance win a furnace.. did I :huh: . Mine aint workin :mad: . And it's 25 degrees out :wall: ..... Thanks for all the congrats. That postal target has a lot of miles on it. Must of been back and forth to the range 40 times. I waited for the day when I was hot. You know, that day when you can't miss. That's when I pulled the trigger :twisted:. If anybody wants the chamber gauge I won, PM Waldo. If we need more, I have 7 more cases cut for them. :D

Re: 204 Ruger dot com Postal Shoot (Inaugural) Final Results

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2007 7:20 am
by KVW
Congrats to all the winners. This sure was alot of fun and hope we have more to look forward to in the future. Thanks again Wrzwaldo for all of your hard work.

Re: 204 Ruger dot com Postal Shoot (Inaugural) Final Results

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2007 7:47 am
by NHS
Congrats all. It was fun. There was some good shootin for sure. Thanks WrsWaldo for all the work you did that went into this.