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.204 Postal shoot practice

Posted: Sun Sep 23, 2007 3:39 pm
by hozz57
I went out in hopes of puting some holes in my "Postal" target last friday, but it got windy so I turned it into a practice/load verification day.

I have decided to go with 24.5 gr of REL-10x under some 39gr SBKs, CCI BR4s and Norma brass. This is quite a light load but when the conditions are right it has given me some bugholes.
Average for these 3 groups is .442" I am hoping for an average in the .3" range for the postal shoot. :wink:

Re: .204 Postal shoot practice

Posted: Sun Sep 23, 2007 4:15 pm
by Hotshot
3 nice ones hozz! Good luck on the 3's.

Re: .204 Postal shoot practice

Posted: Sun Sep 23, 2007 7:09 pm
by acloco
Hozz....may some of our glorious wind....HEAD your way! LOL!

Nice groups bro!!!

Re: .204 Postal shoot practice

Posted: Sun Sep 23, 2007 7:36 pm
by hozz57
Its not that I don't like the wind, its just the type of wind that I don't like. When I was out there friday the wind was changing directions and intensity :mad:

Yeah... those groups I shot were right on the edge of making a try for the Postal target and I know I'm pushing the time limit... :chin:

Re: .204 Postal shoot practice

Posted: Sun Sep 23, 2007 9:14 pm
by acloco
Kind of strange here as well. If the wind is coming out of the south in town, at the range, it is more than likely NOT coming out of the south...weird...plain weird.

Re: .204 Postal shoot practice

Posted: Sun Sep 23, 2007 11:50 pm
by Lee C.
Nice shooting hozz57, I had to shoot my postal target yesterday in the wind. As it was the first day off i had in 2 months and i have to work next week end two. But it sure ain't no excuse for the way i was shooting. Bad day all around for me as my targets ended up in the 6s. And i've shoot some pretty small groups with this gun already. So i hope your day goes a lot better for you than mine did when you get ready to shoot your targets.