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Postal shoot gun pictures and descriptions

Posted: Sat Jul 21, 2007 3:56 am
by Hawkeye Joe
I'll be shooting my Savage 12 VLP. The ony thing I did to the rifle is mount the scope and shoot it. It has about 2000 rounds through it and still shooting great! The scope is a 4.5-14 Nikon Buckmaster with side focus. The load i'll be shooting is my new favorite!! 26.6 grains of Benchmark, Norma brass,CCI BR4, 35gr Berger. Not sure on the OAL yet,but I am sure it will be between 2.250-2.270. :D

Posted: Sat Jul 21, 2007 10:37 am
by WrzWaldo
Excellent post Hawkeye! I'll collect pictures like this for our postal shoot photo album. I was going to post this when I sent the targets but since Hawkeye was kind enough to get us started...

If you have a picture of your rifle and shooting gear setup on the bench please post it for the photo album. And if you are not photo-shy post a photo of yourself as well.

Here is my XR-100 setup and ready to go for the last postal shoot I did. It is sporting a "Visiontac" 6-16 scope that I got off of ebay in 2005 for $65. The plex reticle is a little heavy but this thing is pretty clear and bright plus it holds zero and boxes repeatably!


Here is the album of the Saubier PS I did (I'd like to see some photos from Ya'll like these). :wink:

edit: fixed spelling.

Posted: Sat Jul 21, 2007 12:39 pm
by skipper
Here's a picture of my Panda ready for action. I was out practicing for the shoot today. This range is under water. I had to wade in knee deep water to set my targets. We've been having a lot of rain lately.


American Shooting Center


Here is a picture of my XR-100. I'll be shooting it also.


Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2007 5:49 pm
by Varmonter
I will be shooting my kimber 84m varmint.
Not as much to look at like the other higher tech looking things i see here. ..pretty wood though. I sighted her in at 100 using 35 gr bergers
and she seems to shoot ok.I don't have any fancy bench or rests
or anything like some of the guys here have.. but i made some of those
varmint als bifurpods and i seem to be able to shoot ok off them
so will probably use those. Better than shootin off the side of a sapling.
In the pic of the gun she sports a nikon 6.5-20 ..But i found that was
way too much scope for around these vermont hills so i now have a burris
euro diamond with an illuminated reticle(good for yotes) 2.5 to 10.
Here is a pic of the gun and a target I shot while load developing a while back ..hopefully I can do better than that.

Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2007 6:41 pm
by sniper2o4
skipper: send some of that rain over here, we've been gettin about one day of rain every two weeks.

I'll be shooting my Remington 700 ADL with Hornady 32's.
Scope is a Leupold 2-7x33 shotgun scope with turkey plex reticle.

Here's a pic of her setup and ready for action on the 850 yard range.


Here I am, about to send one into a gallon jug at 425 yards.


Posted: Sat Aug 04, 2007 8:33 pm
by WrzWaldo
I thought for sure there'd be more pictures. :shock:

Posted: Sat Aug 04, 2007 9:21 pm
by Verminator2
I will try to remember to get some next time. Good camera was gone.

Posted: Sun Aug 05, 2007 1:18 pm
by kirbymagnum
Remington VS SF II with a Bushnell 4200 Elite mill dot 6-24.



I'm still trying to find a good load for the the 39 BK. I don't think my gun likes H 4895 powder or Remington 7-1/2 primers.

Posted: Sun Aug 05, 2007 2:41 pm
by acloco
Kirby - is that your "leather" hanging on the door knob?

Try CCI450 primers with H4895...or Fed 205M.

Posted: Sun Aug 05, 2007 5:57 pm
by kirbymagnum
Kirby - is that your "leather" hanging on the door knob?
No it's my Dads.
Try CCI450 primers with H4895...or Fed 205M.
I will give them a try, the Rem's are not doing to well with my set up.

Posted: Sun Aug 05, 2007 7:11 pm
by skipper

Try this:

25.1 gr. RE-10X, 40 gr. Berger, CCI BR-4, fully preped Winchester brass
25.1 gr. RE-10X, 39 gr. Sierra BK, CCI BR-4, fully preped Winchester brass

If your rifle won't shoot one or the other of those, it needs serious help.

Posted: Sun Aug 05, 2007 7:24 pm
by acloco
kirbymagnum wrote:
No it's my Dads.

Regardless, I LIKE! Some nice color and beadwork.

Posted: Mon Aug 06, 2007 7:37 pm
by skipper
Here I am loading my last batch of ammo for load development in preparation for the big shoot. This first picture is me charging some Norma brass with 25.1 of RE-10X. I'm going to try this with the 40 gr. Bergers. This is my XR-100s favorite load so I'm going to try ten rounds in my Panda.


Next is me loading up a ladder load test with VV N-133. I found this powder at the range last time I was there. I've heard so many good reports, I thought I'd give it a try.


Here I'm using the bullet seating gauge Stick made for me so I can load my bullets into the lands. The gauge was cut with the same reamer used to cut the chamber on my Panda. Place an empty case in the gauge and measure. Add .015 to that measurement and seat a bullet until it just measures the same using the gauge. Hard to go wrong there.


Here's the final product. Can you tell if that is a 35 gr or 40 gr Berger? I can't either. Glad I have every slot in my ammo case numbered.


Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2007 11:56 pm
by .204 Sniper
I'm taking your idea of the magnifying glass next to the readout on the scale..................NO MORE SQUINTING!!!

Thanks! :D

Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2007 2:32 am
by skipper
I use the magnifying glass set in front of the pointer and I wear a pair of 2.0 magnification glasses the whole time I'm reloading. It allows me to get up close and personal with my work. You can get a pair at most grocers and drug stores.