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Summer of 2021 Challenge Winners Circle

Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2021 9:48 am
by skipper
This year we mailed out 27 targets, of which 12 were returned. That’s a 44% return rate. I wanted to thank each and every one who returned a target regardless of whether you considered it to be competitive. I received the winning target back in July, I think. Poor BillK had to wait months to learn he had won AGAIN. Congratulations, to ALL who participated this year. I’m only going to post the 4th place on results by ranking without giving away everyone’s actual group size. If you would like to know the scoring results of your particular target, drop me a PM.

Winner – BillK Max Spread (CTC) 0.300, MOA 0.287

Second Place – jwsmith1959 Max Spread (CTC) 0.330, MOA 0.316

Third Place – hozz57 Max Spread (CTC) 0.361, MOA 0.345

4th – 521DVX
5th – triggerfingers
6th – SecretCode
7th – SerenityNetworks
8th – Irishgun
9th – blue51
10th – Carbonmax
11th – randyman
12th – facman

All targets were scanned on the same HP ENVY 5660 and measured with the On Target application. This method, IMO, achieves the most consistent results. It may vary from your measurement but the playing field was level using this method.

Pictures upcoming!!!

Re: Summer of 2021 Challenge Winners Circle

Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2021 9:53 am
by skipper
Here's a peek at the winning targets.
Bill K.jpeg
Bill K.jpeg (1.04 MiB) Viewed 6606 times
jwsmith19592.jpg (902.27 KiB) Viewed 6586 times
Hozz57.jpeg (1.06 MiB) Viewed 6606 times

Re: Summer of 2021 Challenge Winners Circle

Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2021 10:53 am
by Bill K
Thank You again Skipper for your effort, work and time to allow us to have this fun shoot out. :D

Maybe mine was the one with the "Possible" marine slang.. but I assure you it is five shots, done slow and easy off a solid bench at the club range. :D

Re: Summer of 2021 Challenge Winners Circle

Posted: Sat Oct 02, 2021 5:09 pm
by jwsmith1959
Bill K sent me some brass a couple of years ago. If it wasn't for him, I would have never been able to compete. I was able to try a bunch of different powders and bullets because of him.

It was my ability to try different loads that I did what I did. I never thought that my target would be in the top five, much less #2. I have to give the top 2 to Bill K. Kuddos! Thanks to Skipper to make this possible.

.204 Rocks!

Along with 17 Rem, .244 Remington, 6mm Remington, 257 Roberts, 25-06, etc....etc.

Re: Summer of 2021 Challenge Winners Circle

Posted: Tue Oct 05, 2021 12:13 pm
by WesF
Congratulations to Bill K, that's some mighty fine shooting! Second & third place is also darn good marksmanship. My "crud" symptoms are slowly subsiding and hoping not to be a "long hauler". That being said, if Skipper is up to doing another challenge, I'm in...God willing! Skipper, you've done another awesome job making this challenge happen! Doing something like this is not easy and very time consuming, kudos! Thank you!!

Re: Summer of 2021 Challenge Winners Circle

Posted: Thu Oct 07, 2021 3:19 pm
by randyman
If I had to come in next to the last at least it was ahead of my brother-in-law!! We shot our targets together and he used my rifle and ammo because he was having difficulties with the stock on his rifle that day. Hope we didn't breach any rules on that.
It's been said many times but-Thanks Skipper for all the work you put into making this a success. And, congratulations to the winners! That is some fine shooting. R!

Re: Summer of 2021 Challenge Winners Circle

Posted: Sat Oct 09, 2021 3:30 am
by hoppy
Great shootin again Bill K, and fantastic placegetter groups from JWSmith1959 and Hozz57.
Unfortunately I didnt get my target in time to shoot it and get it back from downunder - it finally turned up in the last week of September just before I headed out bush for 10 days - probably due to covid slowing down international mail. Thanks heaps to Skipper for organizing the mail out and scanning/scoring of returned targets. I still plan to shoot mine some time soon( bad weather coming this week!) to see how I go. If it goes well I will post up a pic!!
Congratulations to all who participated

Cheers from downunder


Re: Summer of 2021 Challenge Winners Circle

Posted: Sat Oct 09, 2021 3:34 am
by skipper
Three months for an envelope to get to Australia?? Next year I'll send yours out before the contest even begins. On second thought, scan that target into your computer so you'll have it.

Re: Summer of 2021 Challenge Winners Circle

Posted: Sat Oct 09, 2021 7:01 am
by Bill K
That is a fine idea Hoppy. Scan that or, if Skipper will allow it, keep that official target for next year, shoot it and mark it 2022 and send it in, so you can be in and able to participate. And send it on in so it makes the dead line. We need more shooters getting their targets in for score and the fun. I always copy the official target, when I get it and then shoot a couple practice/adjustment rounds on them, prior to shooting the official one, for score.

I also add, again and again, a very large THANK YOU too Skipper for all his work, time and effort into this fun shoot.
I just might shoot my target next year at 150-200 yrds, just to see how that would work with my rifle, even if I don't get it scored for official score, about time someone beats the pants off me. :D :D

Re: Summer of 2021 Challenge Winners Circle

Posted: Sat Oct 09, 2021 6:11 pm
by SecretCode
Congrats Bill! Kinda figured that you'd be holding on to the crown for another year. I'll just have to work harder next year. Had alot of fun with my first challenge, and again thanks to Skipper for putting in the work to make it happen.

Preparations for next year starts now!

Re: Summer of 2021 Challenge Winners Circle

Posted: Sun Oct 10, 2021 10:12 am
by hozz57
Great contest Skipper! Happy as heck to come in 3rd! Congrats to BillK and JW, you guys rock! Maybe if I hadn't had that 2nd cup of coffee I could've done better.
Looking forward to next years challenge!

Re: Summer of 2021 Challenge Winners Circle

Posted: Sun Oct 10, 2021 11:21 am
by Bill K
heck I sip a cup of coffee in between shots, while shooting for score. :D

Re: Summer of 2021 Challenge Winners Circle

Posted: Sun Oct 10, 2021 11:45 am
by hozz57
Excuses...I got a million of 'em! My favorite is the mysterious sucking vortex!

Re: Summer of 2021 Challenge Winners Circle

Posted: Fri Oct 15, 2021 11:02 am
by Carbonmax
A big thank you to Bill K and skipper. Because of you gentlemen I was motivated to shoot and reload a lot more. Just what I needed. The magic load did not appear. Five rounds out of the factory box weighed within .1 grains. They gave a nice round circle but a big one. Hope this helps somebody, the fact is I got 10th with factory ammo. Carbonmax out.

Re: Summer of 2021 Challenge Winners Circle

Posted: Fri Oct 15, 2021 11:15 am
by Bill K
All the Thanks goes to Skipper for his work and effort to pull this shoot off. Maybe next year more will get into it and get their targets in for scoring.
As for your shooting factory ammo, that is a fine effort, but hopefully next year, you can get reloading and come up with the perfect load for your rifle and take out the top spot. It is all in fun and a good contest. :D